
Would you buy CFC stock now since it's rising?

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Would you buy CFC stock now since it's rising?




  1. well my little sister is prenting to have a stock in school and she is doing sony and it is going up and down.

  2. CFC is illegal....except for airconditioner and refrigerator manifacturer

  3. Only an idiot buys stock when it is rising, because by the time your purchase order goes through, the price will probably be near its peak. So you will buying it when it is the most expensive.  

    And when the stock starts to fall (usually right after you suckers buy it), you will panic and try to sell. By the time your purchase order goes through, the price will probably be near its bottom.

    Buying high and selling low is the best way to lose money, and it is exactly what most people do because they follow their emotions when buying stock. Most investors know nothing about investing, and don't bother to learn.

  4. As long as you don't mind owning Bank of America stock...then go for it...That's what you're gonna end up with!

  5. me personally i feel that CFC stocks aren't the best investment. but now with the raising in it's stock i guess i would take a chance.

  6. I would let this stock go and pick up the BAC stock if you are wanting to invest in financials right now. Hope you are looking to keep your money in this for the long term.

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