
Would you buy a Town for $500,000?

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Someone is actually selling a whole town in New Mexico for that much.

Don't you hate rich people?

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  1. I've always wanted to purchase a town.  I wish I had $500k in the bank (or my mattress now days).

  2. Yea these rich celebs make me sick!!!!! Here we are going through a recession and everyone is loosing there homes and these celebs just prance around flaunting the fact that they are rich and really never have to "work" and getting millions for single pictures of babies!!!!! Thats whats wrong in america.

  3. Actually I LOVE rich people.

    Without them factories, jobs, and the whole economy would go into the toilet.

    Who do you think creates most of the jobs in the U.S?

    Hello, MCFly

    P.S. I've never seen one homeless man create one single job for anyone.

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