
Would you buy a car seat that notifies you when you leave ur child in the car?

by  |  earlier

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This is for a marketing class, can you tell me:

Would you buy a car seat that notifies with an alarm that you leave your child ?

What is the most important factor that you will consider when buying this product?

Price, Security, Easy Installation, Quality.

Thank You.




  1. No. My kids are grown.

  2. No thats just stupid...I mean come on you SHOULD already know if you're leavin your kid in the shouldnt be leaving him/her in there in the first place. So no.

  3. I would not buy a car seat just b/c of this feature.

    The most important feature in car seats is that it will fit the child for a long time: which is actually 3 things; high rear and forward facing limits and tall harness slots.

    After that the most important feature is easy installation. If its not installed easily it won't be installed correctly and doesn't do any good.

    But that's MY opinion - experience says that the #1 thing most people shop for is price. So cheap wins with most people.

  4. i sure would!people are tired,overstressed and lead busy lives.unfortunately,these factors led to a tragedy in virginia.i saw it on the news.a couple was driving to work early with their children.after several stops at schools/her husbands job,the driver got tired and confused and thought she had stopped at the day care as well.on her lunch break she discovered her son had died of hypothermia on a cold day,sleeping in his carrier on the back seat.she was just so tired/stressed/running around she actually thought he had been put safely in day care! every mistake/accident i ever had in my life happened when i was sleep-deprived and so,unable to think efficiently.this womans horrible mistake sent chills down my spine.any overworked soccer mom who says this cant happen to her,is wrong!!!!! i know how hard it can be,because i have once actually fallen asleep at the wheel!!!!!

  5. Yes I would if I had children and the most important feature would be safety first then quality, ease of installation and lastly the price because you cannot put a price on something like this........

  6. Isn't it the police that get notified if a child is left in the seat?

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