
Would you buy a new Harley if you didn't have a garage to keep it in when your not riding it?

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Would you buy a new Harley if you didn't have a garage to keep it in when your not riding it?




  1. My first Harley stayed in my living room until I built a shed for it.

  2. see biker for life's answer.

  3. I bought a new Harley Superglide in 1978 and kept it outside right next to my bedroom window. I kept a bike cover on it as I didn't have a garage at the time. I kept that bike for 3 years outside unlocked with no problems. However these days there is no way I wouldn't have some type of security on it if it were outside.

  4. I WOULDN'T buy a new Harley even when I have a garage and room to keep it because Harley's are junk!

  5. Why not?

    With regard to the elements, get a cover.

    With regard to theft, this is what insurance is for.

  6. Absolutely not.

  7. Yes. It is a motorcycle not a half million dollar Ferrari.   Harley's are no more expensive than a Honda Gold wing, BMW, Yamaha Royal star Venture, or any other big cruiser bike.

  8. Na, the risk would be too great. You can always chain it up and put alarms on it, but ultimately, bikes need to be protected from the weather and to leave a brand new bike sitting out in the elements is pretty silly.

    Unless you can bring it into your house. I used to keep my bike in the back room of my house.

  9. The 19-yr old next door to us bought a Sportster, and has kept it outside from day one (bought it about 2 months ago). It's been rained on constantly at least 1-2 times per week, and he won't get a cover for it.

    I offered to buy him a bike cover, but like a jackass he turned me down. I explained that he needs to keep it covered or garaged, but he doesn't care. He just wants everyone to know he has a bike. I then offered to buy the bike off of him. He turned me down. The kid has no idea of what it takes to maintain a bike.


  10. I would not buy a new Harley under any condition.

    If I won one, or someone gave it to me, id sell it and buy a good motorcycle

  11. why not park it in your living room or's a nice piece of art.....just like painting or other art form....

  12. Since I love motorcycles, will always have at least one and wouldn't buy anything other than a Harley, I would definitely buy a new Harley even if I didn't have a garage to keep it in overnight.  I would invest in a security system and some heavy duty locks to slow down a potential thief.

  13. No, too nice of a bike to park outside when not in use.

  14. Why sure...they make nice lockable covers.I would worry more about theft than weather...the sun will damage more than rain will.But if I had the money,nothing would stop me from getting one !!!

  15. Put a cover on it and park it outside with the automobiles. If storing it for the winter then you want to "winterize" it and put it in storage. I'll park mine in the shop where I work for the few weeks of cold we DO get, otherwise I'll ride it all year.

  16. yes i got 5 bikes 0 garages b

  17. well that depends

    do you have a walkout slider off of the basement thats a option

    i had a buddy bring his right up the elevator and leave his on his walkout like 30 stories up

    if inside wont work do you have room for a plastic shed

    if none of those would work and a safe secure storage soulution(like at a budies house) is out of the option then no because it will probably get stolen


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