
Would you buy an insurance policy on your family Pet?

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I am investigating the possiblity of creating an insurance company for pets. The insurance would provide coverage for pets that become very ill or require surgery.




  1. Pet insurance already exists. I looked into it when I got my dogs (as puppy's). The problem that I saw with it - it does not cover ailments that are breed related. So if a German Shepard dog had to have surgery because of hip dysplasia then it did not pay for that. You just paid a bunch of money each month for it  to reimburse you your yearly check up -- which costs less than 12 months of premium. Needless to say, I decided not to waste my money on it.

  2. Under your condition,I advise here for you to have a visit.

  3. Pet medical insurance policies already exist and are underwritten by REAL insurance companies. I've had a medical insurance policy on my last two dogs going back about 10 years.

  4. Pet insurance in the USA isn't actually true insurance.  

    I have pets, and I don't buy it - when you run the numbers, and consider the exclusions, I just don't think it's worth it.  I have breeder friends, though, who swear by it.  

  5. There are already several companies that provide this service.

  6. In the US, pet insurance is a vital part on every pet owning household. Unfortunately, due to the many restrictions, benefit schedule and low reimbursement, many has opted to forgo it and use their own savings as backup. Some do not even have pet insurance and this can be rather alarming because pet medical costs and treatments are rising, so are vet costs. if you want to set up a successful pet insurance company, you will need to talk to people from all walks of life and ask them what they value most when selecting which insurance policy to purchase.

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