
Would you buy and is it a good idea?

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Ok so my 16 year old younger brother is going to live with me from now on, I was thinking about getting him a car, he is really down and I think that it might make him feel better, along with some therapy. So is it a good idea to buy him a car? Would you buy your child a car?




  1. Yeah Tell him to get his license first

  2. Well , First of all i want to say how great it is that you are accepting your brother for who he is, and not trying to change him. That's amazing.

    As far as buying him a car, I don't think it is a horrible idea IF he is a responsible person. I was given a car at 16 and I am 20 now, so for all those saying NO because of teenagers dying in car accidents, that's just something the happens. If he is a responsible person and YOU want to get him one then, I don't see why not. HOWEVER, I think he should be responsible for the gas bill! I think that is one thing he should be able to handle....

  3. I would first have him do therapy, then see if he is 'ripe' for a car.  

  4. I plan on buying my child a car when they get their license.  It will be used and they will get a job to pay for gas and maybe part of the insurance costs.

  5. It's great to hear that you support your brother. Many young g**s today are thrown out with no support and no family. You must be a wonderful brother and you also have a wonderful brother.  Please get him into therapy with a therapist that does not judge or try to change him. If the first one doesn't work out, keep looking until you find the right one.Here's my advice about the car.

    The car sounds good and to start off with you could help him out by paying everything but you also need to help him learn responsibility. Get him to find a part time job and have him help you by paying for the gas. As he gets older, he could work more and pay his own insurance. That way he will know that you care and you would be helping him become an independent young man. Best of luck to you both.

  6. I think that therapy is a great idea and I think you are a great brother for everything you are doing for him.  I don't think that buying him a car is going to make him feel any better about himself.  It's sort of like giving candy to a little kid because someone stole their bicycle.  However, EARNING a car could do just that for him.  Offer to pay for half of the car if he gets a part time job and pays for the other half.  He will not only learn responsibility, he will also gain the pride that comes with working hard for something that you want.

  7. it really depends on the kid, if he was really responsible, got good grades and was hard working then yes, but id still make him pay the insurance payments and part of the car payment (of coarse i wouldnt pick the car for him or do this with out his agreement to pay be sure to get that in writting!!!!!!!)

  8. no I would not. They need to earn the money to buy their own car and that way they appreciate it more and take better care of it

  9. What a sad situation - I think the money would be better spent getting your brother to a therapist - the way your parents are treating him is surely causing him great mental distress.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with you buying him a car - I just think his mental well-being needs to be addressed first.

  10. No, I wouldn't buy him a car at this time.  He needs the therapy first and then he needs to get out of his mood.  A car is not a toy and can be a dangerous instrument if the person behind the wheel cannot keep his mind on driving and paying attention to the road.  Right now, it seems that his mind is someplace other than where it needs to be to drive.

    We did buy my son a car; however, he did have to get a job to pay for insurance, gas and oil changes.  If it needed other repairs, we did help out.  

    Don't rush in and do things just to make him feel better.  It takes time to sort through stuff.  I know that you are trying to be a good brother, but back off of giving him too much too soon.

  11. NO! so many teens are dyeing from getting drunk driving and he can run away

  12. My parents leased me a car, for 3 years, and that way at the end I can either trade it in and get another one or buy it. It is covered the entire time you have it and it was only 109 dollars a month for a brand new red car with 0 miles. I think it is a good idea, it has worked out great for me, because now I can trade it in soon and get another one or buy it if the time is right for me. this is kind of a very vague question I don't really know why you want to buy him a car, or anything. But if he is down he probably just needs some attention and some deep conversations, just your time. Try that I guess.

  13. I think that it would depend on how responsible your brother is.  I think that you're on the right track with therapy but I also think it's a great idea to get him a car.  With reasonable limits and requirements of course.  Good Luck

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