
Would you buy one of these...or do you have one already?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not advertising for this..Just want to know what you think of it.




  1. I would not buy one. Just some guy trying to make money off those who want to live healthy.

  2. I have just the use for them!

    My (soon to be) ex gave me such a bunch of lies and BS which is the cause for our separation/divorce.

    She came up with the worn out line, "I need to find myself."

    Maybe this would help. lol

    It would be an appropriate divorce present!

    Sorry for those who cannot appreciate my humor, I have been through much worse and not expected to live to see my 29th birthday, (I will be 45 in 4 months) so although it is sad and hurt, I can accept the lies, cheating and divorce with humor. Life can be too short not to. I also look froward to the adventures beyond. :-)

  3. Only if I can find a set that will match my AFDB--after all being crazy doesn't preclude a strong sense of personal style.

  4. I like buying alien and UFO related stuff.Unfortunately i will not be buying that.

  5. that is just strange and amusing enough that i would get it for a conversation peice.

  6. Cheap Sci-fi c**p. . .someone is always looking for a way to part you and your money ! !

  7. It's a fairly good joke, but not so good that I'd buy one.

  8. Nope

  9. So a alien abducts you from Earth but then is too dippy to remember where he got you from? Uh huh.

  10. if ur into that sort of thing then yeah definatly go for it.

    its pretty neat-but be warned some people might not quite understand why you brought it and may pick on you

    a word of advice!!


  11. uuuh, i think not, it looks like a piece of c**p. phony, lol

  12. I just know it this time! I never have one but it's interesting.

  13. ermm no

  14. Maybe as a gag gift for one or another of my friends who are passionately interested in UFOs, LOL!

  15. no i wouldnt buy one but if i got it for free i would keep it

  16. I think that's hilarious.  If someone takes you elsewhere I would hope they leave enough bread crumbs to get you back home.

  17. Right after I buy a Pet Rock.

  18. those are so g*y

  19. yeah....buddy....what a load of c**p.

  20. ill take one

  21. omg no.

  22. LOL, If it was a bit cheaper I'd get one just for the heck of it. My guess is that if you were abducted the beings that took you would remember how to get you back...considering they're smart enough to build a spaceship and abduct you in the first place after all...but that's a great novelty!

  23. rofl wow!!!! fake. nasa didnt spend there time on something that stupid they got bigger things to do

  24. I think the guarantee says it all:

    "Should you ever be abducted by Aliens while wearing Location Earth Dog Tags and 'not returned' safely to Earth you will be entitled to a full refund of the purchase price"

    Yep as long as you have your 'Inter-Galactic super laser tripnoid booster Cell phone' [available thru - Iamgullible dot com ] with you, so you can call to inform them the tags did squat & now you are lost in star jungle and you want a refund wired to you...... if you don't, well too bad so sad, no refund for you, you are out the cash plus stuck in star jungle with no moola so you won't even be able to buy star pops.  Lousy deal if you ask me.

    Maybe if they had a better guarantee - refund policy I'd go for it......not!  I've seen a lot of scams that were far less creative so I'll give them that much.  No I wouldn't buy it  - make your own if you want one, won't cost you near as much.

  25. I'd buy it as a joke gift for someone, but not for me!

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