
Would you buy the BLACK or WHITE macbook?

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If you were going to be given ONE macbook, would you choose the black or white macbook (this include the features not just the colors)?

In short, which macbook is better, and why?




  1. The BlackBook has a more durable matt finish, and doesn't scratch as easy. It does show finger prints, but those are easy to wipe off. It has better specs. It costs more, but you can find some good deals on it anyway, if you look. It also looks hella cooler IMHO.

    The WhiteBook shows smudges really bad, and is hard to clean. The plastic will start to turn yellow with time. It is a lot cheaper though.

  2. Get the black one so you don't seem racist!

  3. White because most notebooks are black or gray so white will stand out more.

  4. The black macs are commonly higher class than the white ones. Even though I think apple sucks and its for gey ppl :). Dell XPS with linux OS is the best bet.

  5. The black one because black looks better and the specs are better.

  6. Been using classic white all along so that's stuck with me as 'representing' Mac. I like the specs too, so no issues there.

  7. Go for a 2 GB of RAM Macbook White and also get the SuperDrive model do you can burn DVDs.

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