
Would you buy the bmw x3 or lexus rx330?(i may need a lot of answers)?

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  1. The X3 is terrible off road and is uncomfortable on the road

    it depends what its use is

  2. Both Look great but i like the look of the BMW slightly better

    Lexus is more reliable plus they have great customer satisfaction

    When A BMW breaks down, repairs are extremely expensive

  3. I would buy the RX330 because its more reliable, very safe, comfortable (to me at least) and i wouldnt have to spend a lot of money fixing the minor problems (many BMWs cost a lot to fix...even the minor problems)

    My friend traded in his BMW for a new RX because he heard from another friend about how pricey it was to fix those problems and so far, he hasnt had any problems with this RX330 (its a couple years old now)

  4. i would buy the lexus, ive owned bmw's before, they break at least once a month, its ALWAYS expensive to fix the problems, you will just end up selling it and buying something else, also with bmw terrible resale value, the lexus is pretty good offroad, not as good as a landrover, but decent

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