
Would you buy these photographs for a decent price if I sold them?

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I'm not a photographer or anything, but I'd love to become one. I'm just wondering if you would buy these photos if I sold them. If not, how come?

Photo #1:

Photo #2:

Photo #3:

Photo #4:

Photo #5:

Photo #6:

Photo #7:

Photo #8:

Photo #9:

Photo #10:




  1. Wow I viewed 30some photos out of your album and I thought they were splendid. They are pretty good shots for raw photos. If some of them were maximized and framed, I would definitely consider buying them.

  2. There is a difference between good and great photography. You already know that you are good. That is why you are here. So the question is are you better than good. The answer is not quite yet. But don't despair. With alot of hard work you can get there.

    Now there is a difference between "taking" pictures and creating them. To get to the next level you have to be able to create pictures. What this means more of your personality and vision needs to be in the picture. As of right now I have no clue on what you wish to share other than the obvious, which is the is a pretty place or an iinterestingarrangement.

    So I would go back and study why some of the masters of photography.  Now those are the pictures that are worthy of consideration of buying. Examine what places them at the higher level.

    Just a quick technical note to help you get to the next level.

    Watch your horizon lines. You tend to place your horizon lines in the center.

    Pay more attention to the negative space in your pictures. My rule is if something ddoesn'tadd to the picture then it should not be in the frame.

    Watch your perspective!!!!! Very important! If you are shooting everything at eye level then your are missing out on the single most important element that can differentiate a picture from ordinary to ssomethingthat is better.

    Good Luck

  3. In my honest opinion, no I would not buy them. You have a good eye, but in a few pictures, you composition was poor. My favorites are and

    The rest were blurry with little going on in the pictures. Don't give up though! Even the best of photographers had to start somewhere! I would suggest possibly buying a tripod to help with camera blur, and to help with keeping the horizon line straight. This picture looks like you were about to fall over. I think it would have been better if the horizon was straight. Also, you might even want to upgrade to a professional SLR camera. Everyone has the potential to become a great photographer, so don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't!

  4. plenty of potential!  im a photographer myself.  take any classes you can get your hands on, you have a great eye.  they're definitely done by an amateur, but an amateur with skill and an artist's eye.

  5. Your current work looks very novice, and is lacking in technical and artistic expertise.  A few are better than the rest, but you have a lot of exposure and focus problems throughout.  Also, in land or seascapes, it is important to keep your horizon level.  And tilting on purpose gets old very quickly.  My favorite was #18.  Whether accidentally or on purpose, the light is just right to make an optical illusion of either raised or indented footprints.  

    I always suggest taking a class if possible.  Get a book or two on beginning photography and start learning the technical and artistic sides of the craft.  Keep practicing and learning and you will see your skills grow and your images improve.  Best wishes!

  6. No. They're out of focus, poorly lit, poorly toned, poorly composed; essentially, they are snapshots. Anybody can take these photos.

    Work on your photographic eye a bit more, and stop shooting with a Point and Shoot. Use a fully manual SLR camera to refine your vision.

  7. I have to be honest, the images that you posted were not so good. They showed little, if any, skill, and would definitely not be worth buying/selling. I would strongly suggest practicing, studying, and learning about photography before you try to put anything on the market.

  8. i only looked at 5 of them and of those 5, I would not have bought any of them.  sorry, just being honest.  

  9. I only looked at the first few... but I'd have to say no... I'm sorry, but I would not. They're a bit dark and blurry. Keep practicing.

  10. you live on cape cod during the summer?  or another small coastal town?  sure you do.  and the people that live there would want to buy those pictures.  but i don't.  i don't like pretty pictures of nice places.  i like pretty pictures of exotic places or scary people or fire or art with metal drawings and death and salvadore dali trippy ballness going on.   you know...i'm a stoner.  

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