
Would you buy this PC for $950?

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This is a custom edition halo pc I found would anyone buy it for around $950. The link for the pc is below.




  1. Alright those guys talking about XP OS not being good... XP is far better then Vista, vista sucks ***!!! Its terrible has so many problems right now and makes your computer very slow... But I could build that PC for probably like 700 bucks... And the reason it has 2 gb of RAM is because XP supports only up to 3.5 gb which is odd cant really have that. So if that 2 gb is fast RAM it will be great. Looks good to me but not worthe 950 because it could be built for 700sh. If you dont want to build a PC this PC is great! I would buy it.

  2. That is a fair price might need more RAM though although it doesn't say which OS it comes with (if any) so if you are just buying a new computer you wouldn't just want to buy the hardware keep in mind it might not come with a good OS.

  3. I like the pc. 950 seems good for it. I dont like Halo thou

  4. I wouldn't pay 950 for it. I build and sell high-end gamers and that is not one. Only 2 GBs of ram. Q6600 is a nice cpu but if you wanna game faster you use a E8400-8600 Core 2 Duo with the faster clocks and the 1333FSB. Games wont be quad-pumped for a while.  Nice little board but its $85 at Newegg and has no Raid or Crossfire.

    Thats an $80 video card--weak. Speakers on the tower? What a joke. You want 4.1 or 5.1 for gaming so your surrounded in the game.

    All the hardware and software is yesterdays news and, since he doesn't say the tower is brand new I'd say its used.

    The real joke about that rig is that someone built a "Halo gamer" with XP because you can't even play Halo 2 with XP. Another reason I suspect its used--built before Halo 2 came out. Fancy case but thats it. Nice to look at but won't perform anywhere near what it looks like.

    A "very high-end gamer" will max Crysis out in DX10. That rig probably wont even hit high with XP. Like paying a dumb amount of money to buy an Alienware because it "looks kewl" when you can buy a rig that will destroy it for $1000 less. I haven't sold an XP gaming rig in a long time. XP and DX9 are yesterdays news in high-end gaming. Extreme gamers want Vista cuz DX10 is where its at for gaming.

    Anyone who says XP is better for gaming is running a weak rig. Nothing slow about my Vista gamers but youre not gonna get them at Walmart or Leo's Bargain Basement for $299.

    A 17inch monitor housed in the case? LOL. 17 inch is puny.

    Thats a show-case not a high-end gamer-will impress people pulling a monitor out of the side panel but, as far as actual gaming---they will be yawning. If you like the Halo theme you can buy Halo case mods then put some decent hardware in it and forget about stupid gimmicks. Note that it won in a case mod comp not a gaming one. I'm surprised that rig has such sloppy cable management. not a tie wrap one. Ok on a non-windowed case but with a windowed case you need to dress up the cable runs. Looks like a bird's nest inside.

  5. I think its pretty good for the money but be aware it has windows XP and the RAM isn't great. Also it looks very bright so probably uses lots of power consumption.

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