
Would you call her a vegetarian??

by  |  earlier

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My friend that I dont talk to much, only sometimes was at a party over the weekend and my best friend was there and my best friend is a vegetarian like me and my other friends says shes a vegetarian also, well this guy that was at the party caught a turtle and started stomping on it with his foot. I was disgusted when i heard this, and then my best friend told me that my other friend started laughing and my best friend said "I thought you were a veggie?" and she said she is. But a vegetarian would not laugh at animal cruelity. And she also wears leather apparently.




  1. people become vegetarian for different reasons. I suspect her reason is for nutritional reasons, and not the whole animal cruelty thing, apparently.

  2. Veg or not she was flirting and that caused a lapse in judgment (my guess to is alcohol may have been involved).As for the leather shoes and such she may have no issue with them because she has had them forever or they were a gift and wearing leather doesn't bother her. If you are bothered by her reaction talk to her in private, if she is your friend she would want to know she offended you so she can apologize. good Luck!

  3. you don't have to be a veggie to know that what the guy did was way wrong. but i would think being a vegetarian would make you even more disgusted.

  4. If she doesn't eat meat, she's a vegetarian.

    It's sick and disturbing that she would laugh at an animal being tortured. Maybe she had a crush on the guy?

    But, yeah. She's definitely not into the well-being of animals if she found that amusing. But she could certainly be vegetarian.  

  5. Definitely a veggie fakie.

  6. 1st, Perhaps you should check with the friend who was supposedly laughing and confirm the story.  2nd, I know people who are vegetarians due to dietary restrictions or food preferences but still wear leather.  Technically a vegetarian is about the diet, not any other belief system.  

    If the turtle story is true, then i wouldn't be worried about whether she is a vegetarian.  Most Carnivores I know would be sickened by this and perhaps she might not be a person you'd like to call friend.

  7. sounds like a veggie fakie to me..

  8. Vegetarian only refers to your diet.  I am a vegetarian and although I wouldn't start laughing, it wouldn't make me a carnivore just because I did.  

  9. Either he's going veggie to boost his health or he isn't one.  

  10. If she doesn't eat meat but wears leather. No.

    That's disgusting what happened to the turtle.

    Sounds like she wanted him to like her...


  11. I'm sure she's just a vegetarian fo the ******* label.

    I know a girl like that.

    I'm a vegetarian.

    But i eat chicken.

    Well you're not a vegetarian.

    So stfu.

    It just annoys the h**l out of me.

    She just thinks it's cool -.-


  12. I haven't seen what she eats so I cannot really tell.

    FYI: A vegetarian is just someone who does not eat meat. No more, no less. Being a vegetarian does not give you special powers or abilities etc. A butcher who kills one hundred or more animals a day is a vegetarian if he does not eat any kind of meat at all.

  13. Vegetarian is a dietary term. The word itself has nothing to do with animal rights, it just refers to what you eat. It also doesn't have anything to do with wearing leather or not. If she eats a vegetarian diet then she is a vegetarian.

    Not a very nice person though IMO.

  14. You don't have to be a veggitarien to think thats wrong, and it is. And she is a sick person. Thats animal cruelty! and no, I don't think that she is a veggitarien.

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