
Would you call the authorities about this???

by  |  earlier

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I work at a drive through coffee shop (to remain nameless) and often I seen parents drive up with their kids in comprising "seats" in the car. They're not buckled or they're sitting in a backseat that really is just the back of a hatchback so no seat belts. Sometimes a family comes through with their kid sitting on the passenger front seat floor boards b/c there are too many other kids in the back seat not buckled. I don't care what people do to themselves but to a kid who has no choice, that's where I have a problem.

Should I let it go and not judge or should I tell some authorities? Any kind of accident and those kids will get injured or worse, die.

What do you think?




  1. you really should like you said don't worry about the parents it the kids you will be saving.  One day you make that phone call and you might save a life.  

  2. YES!!!

  3. the bottom line is NO. it's not part of your job and in reality you'd be wasting your time. right or wrong, the police have priorities and seat belts are close to the bottom of the list.

  4. I would take down there license plate# and tell the police your story,then you did all you could and its up to the police to judge if its worth investigating.

  5. yes i would you should

  6. Sounds like you'd be on the phone all the time, boss might not like that. And it wouldn't take some folks long to figure who ratted them out, and when they complained to your boss he wouldn't like that either.

    I'm not saying you shouldn't make that call, but next you'll be asking y/a if it's legal for your boss to fire you for turning people in for not wearing a seatbelt. And the answer will be, yes it is legal for boss to fire you. Seat belts are above your pay grade, plus you could be costing nameless customers.

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