
Would you call the situation in Sri Lanka a civil war or genocide?

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Would you call the situation in Sri Lanka a civil war or genocide?




  1. It's just a misunderstanding.They'll work it out.

  2. Its not really a civil war because most Sri Lankans aren't fighting

  3. . . . . it is civil war & fight against insurgency/terrorism at the same time.

    Genocide is systematic ethnic cleansing, ie Armenian genocide, Holocaust, Rwanda, Bosnia etc . . . . of course many would say atrocities being committed in Darfur constitute genocide.

    Not many people know this but it were the Tamil Tigers (Terrorist group) that first used suicide bombings in their terror attacks. It seems Sri Lankan government is having some success combating Tamil Tigers.

  4. I would say it is a civil war.  The Sinhalese are not trying to completely erase the Tamils and the other minorities.  The Tamils just want fair representation in the government.  Since they are not either trying to completely ERASE the other I would not call it a genocide.

  5. civil war, was it genocide in 1860?

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