
Would you call this a affair read the whole story please?

by  |  earlier

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today i started my new job well there is this man who works there he is 25 i am 23 well i had problems so he helped me and then at the end of the shift i had to help bring the stock in and as i am pregnant i panicked flin the man who helped me asked whats a matter so i told him i was pregnant he said don't worry i will bring the stock in so i said i must repay you so i took him out for a drink as i was leaving i hugged him goodbye and as i got in my car i undone the window and as he came past me he kissed me which led to us snogging i pulled away and told him i was married and he then said sorry which i accepted would you call what happened a affair and should i tell my husband !!!!!!!!! i don't want to cheat on him it was just a accident

please answer =)




  1. It's not an affair, but I think you should watch how you act around other men, you might be giving off the wrong impression. You could have re payed him many different ways rather than going to have drinks.  this is something that you need to talk to yourself about, if you tell your husband, he will cause a scene on the job, which makes you look worse than you already do.  If you can't do the job, then maybe you should quit, and get something that you can do.  

  2. You know this is not an affair. You made an error in judgment, just stop it right here. Be professional around this guy and for pete's sake don't tell your husband about this stupidity. Can you imagine the images he'll have of you every time you go to work? It will cause all kinds of mistrust issues. If there was other people around who seen it and might tell your husband then you got a problem. Let sleeping dogs lie, forget about it.

  3. look tell your husband that you were helped by a coworker and and felt you should return the favor and took him out to get a drink, maybe you didn't make it clear that you were married the guy kissed you thinking it was something more and you then told him you were married and he apologized and that nothing happened because you are telling him the truth.

  4. No you are ok... don't tell him. If anything more happens, than 1 kiss then that will lead to a affair

  5. Not yet but you are headed in the right direction. You better get control of yourself and the situation

  6. Well taking a man out for a drink is maybe setting yourself up for something - you don't know him at all. I would never have hugged him either -rather have shaked his hand and left. Once he kissed you the first time i would have been like "stop right here buddy boy" and told him to back off. You need to protect your marriage when you can and watch out for guys like him. I would say it's a cheat as your husband would have thought so too if he walked by at that moment the kiss took place.

  7. No Not an affair.  Pregnancy makes you crazy and do weird stuff.  Don't tell your husband he will go mental.  Just don't do it again.

  8. Its not an affair unless you continue in this direction.

    Youre pregnant, hormones are crazy, tell your husband what happened, and then just let it go and dont let it happen again.

  9. You took him out for a drink because he did his job and then you let him kiss you? You have issues and you're on the verge of becoming a shameless w***e. Get your head examined.

  10. For a mother of 2, about to be 3, you certainly seem to have momentarily taken leave of your senses. Thanking him by taking him out for a drink was probably a little more than you needed to do, but it was ok. You know the kiss and all was way over the top! Accidents like that just don't happen - you let it happen, kind of like saying your car was in an accident when you drove it into a tree to see what would happen. Maybe you were just hormonal & feeling a little undesirable - we can all make mistakes. I don;t think you should tell your husband anything more than you went out for a drink to say thanks. It wasn't an affair but it could lead to one so make sure your coworker knows it will never happen again. Just think next time before you act. What would you say if your husband came home with this kind of story? Don't worry him any more than you have already upset yourself. Just behave!

  11. no

  12. Are you kidding me?

    Seriously, a week ago you were throwing yourself down stairs, seeing your ex-parent in laws, 3 months pregnant, now you are starting a new job and kissing some guy?

    You seriously need help - you are OUT OF CONTROL.

    I think you should tell your husband, not because it really is cheating but because you are clearly losing all your senses!

  13. your nasty. I don't see how people come on here acting like they didnt know what happen and what led them to cheat. BLAH BLAH BLAH..reason why i dont trust a ******

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