
Would you call this yugioh deck a beatdown deck. If it is please rate it and help me fix it please?

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Royal Decree x1

Magic Jammer x1

Sakuretsu Armor x2

Dust Tornado x1

Raigeki Break x2

Compulsory Evacuation Device x1

Trap Hole x2

Torrential Tribute x1


Terraforming x1

Mausoleum of the Emperor x2

Foolish Burial x2

Monster Reborn x1

Premature Burial x1

Creature Swap x1

Lightining Vortex x1

Fisuure x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Mystical Spave Typhoon x1

Heavy Storm x1


Mirage Dragon x1

Herald of Creation x1

Kaiser Sea horse x2

Majestic Mech Goryu x1

Masked Dragon x3

Horus the Black Flame Dragon lvl 6 x1

Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight x1

Ninja Grand Master Sasuke x1

The Creator x1

Felgrand Dragon x1

Decoy Dragon x1

Tyrant Dragon x1

Black Tyranno x1

Total : 41

I'm wondering if cyber dragon is a good edition to my deck.

Please be real about my deck I need to make it better!!!

And could you tell me where to buy real cards for cheap on the internet I went on ebay and everyone is selling fake cards thnx.




  1. I mean sort of but not really and ur deck isnt that good maybe with ur frends it is but if u go to  a tournament ud get beat badly but run a dif deck like look up the decks six samurai, DAD ( Really Expenisve), DDT, Monarch, Macro, etc.

  2. It's a decent deck. At least it's fairly small, so there's a higher chance of getting some good cards. I'd probebly improve your traps a bit, maybe just a couple of nastey ones? That and get a few better level 4 or lower monsters. Other than that, I think it's fine.

    I'll give your deck 7/10, itmay not have the best cards, but you've kept it sweet and short... unlike mine, massive and way to powerful, non of my friends can even be boverd dueling me now! (Five-Headed Dragon+Dragon's Mirror+Tons of Dragons FTW!!  XD)

    Oh, one more thing. Maybe get one more high level, powerful moster, and a few more low levels (Horus lvl4?). Also make some plans and stratergies, and have cards that link together.

    If you want fairly cheap, real Yu Gi Oh Cards, look on

    NEVER TRUST eBay!! (I've been scammed so many times...)

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