
Would you care if a Muslim was president of America?

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Would you care if a Muslim was president of America?




  1. Actually, I would not care.  

    To begin with, there is too much bigotry among those so called Christians, and also, those very same Christians have a tendency to disrespect other religions and cultures. Next, the constitution of America does not state that a president has to have a certain faith, but it does clearly separate the power of churches from the state---so why would I care?  As long as he/she loves America and fulfills all the requirements and has a good plan for the future do I not care about no religion......

  2. dont think the country is ready for a Muslim

    just yet

    maybe in another 100 years

  3. YES!

  4. yes, I would care. His ability to deal with Islamic extremism might be hindered by an overly sympathetic point of view.

  5. I would prefer an Atheist

    Any Wicca/pagan/Jew/agnostic would be my second choice.

    Buddhism might be a good choice for number 3

    Pretty much any non-christian or or Muslim of any other religion or philosophy would come at this stage.

    most Christians are next on my list, I would exclude LDS, Mormon, born agains, and JWs at this stage and maybe a few others like those mega non-denominational sect members.

    Those excluded from above would make my next level of choice.

    Finally a Muslim would come here though I don't know if I would prefer a Sunni or a s**+'ite.

    So yeah, I would care.

    The Islamic faith has enslaved whole cultures and locked them in a stone age religion and society.  No new technological advances have come out of a Muslim country in over a thousand years.

  6. Yes, so far we have seen nothing but violence from the muslim community. Why in the world would we want to put someone from their community in charge?

  7. I'm an atheist, I could care less.  personally i don't have 100% faith in any man or women that "needs" organized religion in their life.

  8. no

  9. Yes, a person's religion has great influence on their personality and beliefs.

  10. I would. I am not comfortable with a Muslim as president at a time when we are fighting radical Islam.

  11. NO!

  12. Yes I would.

  13. Yes; seeing as the country was founded on Judea-Christian beliefs, having a Muslim prez. would be counter-productive.

    Put it this way, do you think it would be in the best interest of a middle-eastern country to have a Christian president?

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