
Would you care if your teenager had s*x?

by Guest60787  |  earlier

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as long as they used birth control?


do u think they should wait until marriage?




  1. I don't think my parents would be comfortable if I was having s*x while still living with them.

    I'd start my own life first and decide when s*x is right for me. I would also wait until my body is ready to support a healthy baby in my womb.

    This is just me, but I would like to travel the world as a free new woman to the world without anything holding me down.

  2. I definatly think they should wait till marriage. Not only will it be more enjoyable, but it is also right.

    Not to mention I guess it would be a little weird being an adult with a teenager and knowing they are sexually active....

  3. I know it's modern age, but for me I still prefer to get married before having s*x. I am not a hypocrite,it's just that I believe that s*x is something that only  a married couple should do.

    Teenagers now a days are not aware of the things that they risk for being so impulsive and being so curious about s*x.Sometimes they associate s*x with love. But there's a difference between the two.  It also entails responsibility. Birth control won't really guarantee you that you won't get pregnant. There are some girls who still got pregnant even if they use it.

  4. If I am lucky enough one day to have a daughter, she will not be allowed to go on dates until she is 16,,   and I don't won't her being alone with a guy until she is a 18,,,  unless I really like the guy and he shows me he respects her and won't take advantage of her.

  5. I would prefer till they got married BUT dont we all, if they do i would just tell them EVERYTHING that could happen, STD, AIDS Pregnancy, the works.

  6. the bible says to wait until marriage, and since god created the universe I think it would be pretty wise to listen to what he says. you should have your teen go to a reality check class, and maybe you should attend too, just so that you know the risks of what would happen to her and so that you would have a good stand point on what the risks are of being sexually active while not married.

  7. If it was a boy, not so much, as long as he was safe about it. If it was a girl, I'd probably flip a ****!

  8. As long as the other person is clean,. my teenager is on bc and they dont do it in my house. thats the rules for my older sister whose 17

  9. T.B. that's the dumbest thing I ever heard. Just because a teenager is on birth control doesn't mean they'll be promiscuous. It just means that if they do have s*x, they won't get pregnant, unlike the teens who aren't on birth control.

    Teenagers are going to do it no matter what. I would protect my child by making sure they were educated about s*x and the risks involved, and also by making sure they had birth control and Especially condoms to protect them from STD's. I'd also be supportive of them emotionally.

  10. As long as they are protected and know the consequences...

    Did YOU wait until you were married,,,it would be kinda hypocritical if u didnt...

    If they want to have s*x or have already started i think the responsible thing as parent to do is provide them with all the safety they need condoms/bc pills, etc

    and birth control DOES NOT turn ur teen into a w*** long as the have responsible base and COMMON SENSE they shud be alright,,,but if u want to protect your teen give them all the info possible...

  11. yes I would care. not necessarily wait until marriage....just not as flippantly as they do it now. I don't approve of purchasing my child BC, but if it came down to that, I guess I would suck it up...but I wouldn't raise my child to value her body over her mind...nor would my husband raise her to see men as wanting her for s*x/pleasure and not for her ability to think. Hopefully, that will be enough.

  12. i personally think that they should wait untill marraige.  Then you know the father wont leave as soon as they are pregnant, becasue with birth control it is still possible to get pregnant.  the last thing a teenager wants is a little kid holding them back from their dreams.  I say wait, so you know that both the kid and the parent knows there gonna have a good life

  13. Im a teenager and I'd care if I had s*x.

    Does that count? :D


    Kiera, the bible isnt a pamphlet to life. It's guidelines. I'm a christian and guess what, I'm all up for abortion.

    Also underaged s*x is fine, I just dont want to have it yet ;)

    And I also believe in tampons. For goodness sake, if I didnt, how would the world go round?

  14. I would care but I also know that I couldn't stop them if they really wanted to do it so I would provide birth control.

  15. at first i said nooooo not until marriage then she had a baby and i said we'll take care of this baby but sweaty its difficult trust me then she had billy and i said noooooo what are you doing with yourself and she said it was her lifestyle choice and i said if she had another one she was going to boot camp but then julio, ricardo, sophia, angie, jose, maria, alejandra came and well in the hospital i said baby happy sweet sixteen heres some birth control pills and she threw them away and then daniel, jorge, nancy, hector, linda, pedro, paulo, were born in less than 3 years so i said s***w popped me some ghd and now i babysit 28 beautiful grandkids and 13 greatgrandkidsand 4 greatgreatgrandkids at age 38

  16. I'd like my teen to wait girl or boy

    Most teens probably don't mind/care because in the end its the parents that have to get them out of whatever mess they're in.  (I would)

  17. i had s*x at 16 my now husband was 15, its weird to think about that and a bit confusing cause i dont wanna be an ignorant mother and most of all a hipocrite. i think it would depend on the partner if there is RESPECT, and love...pray to god and support them in any way. plus i wouldnt want her to end like my husband and i my mom kicked me out of the house cause i was having s*x, i didnt have a guidence asnd got pregnant at 18.

  18. I'm a teenager and despite the fact this question isn't directed at me i'm sill going to answer it. I'd go for the first choice, not because i'm desperate, but because love is love within or outside of marriage. As long as teenagers are protected and can face the consequences and as long as they're both physically and emotionally ready.. good luck to them:)

    And for people who keep quoting the Bible.. DON'T YOU HAVE YOUR OWN MINDS TO USE, instead of following some book? After all, this is 21st centuary, the 'judgement' years are over.

  19. Those are different questions, but I'd say I recognize sexual experimentation is a part of growing up and becoming and independent person.  As long as my child is emotionally ready and is taking the proper precautions - including not being reckless with drugs, alcohol, disease, etc, then I am okay with it.  That's not the same as asaying I don't care.

  20. I am 17. I agree that you should wait until marriage, but your teen will do what they want. The best thing you can do is express your opinion and say that if they don't agree you can provide her with birth control and him to protection. Just tell them about the dangers of STD's and the benefits of waiting until marriage. That's just my two cents. Good luck!

  21. I personally think all teens should wait until they are MARRIED. I don;t care how mature they think they are. When you are under eighteen even twenty you are not ready to support a child. You need a job and school to get a job. Enjoy your young adult life you have plenty of years to live in the future. So yes, I would care because my imaginary child would not be ready and having a teenage pregnancy sets you child on the wrong road for life!

  22. I think the ongoing problem with teenage s*x is that people don't realize, teens are going to do what they want to do regardless of how much fear we put into them. You are going to get so many mixed reviews on this, but just remember you can only do so much as a parent. Educate your teen, make yourself available, , and don't make them feel like they cant come to you for anything. If you can look back and say "I did everything i could in my power to have my kids make the right decisions" Then you did good.

  23. well thats a depend.

    thats only when they are ready to have s*x i know most of ppls want to try lost their virgin early.. and some of ppls want to wait till marriage cos its their cultues..

    as long a they used birth control its important!!

  24. DEPENDS how old is the teenager, there is a difference in 13 and 18, im only seventeen and not a mom, but im sure i  would be upset, with all these STD"S around i mean really a teen shouldnt be worring about these things.

    By the way birth control weakens your immune system makin you more prone to STD's.

  25. if i was a mom, i'd tell my teenager to wait until they get married.

    what if the girl gets pregnant as a teen...that would probably ruin her teenage years...after marriage, you know that you're committed to that person, and so they would be ready to have s*x, and if they have a child, it wouldn't be as bad.

    but, it's up to you...

  26. I'm only a teen myself but when I have kids I rather they wait until they're out of the teen years, but not necessarily married. It's not easy raising a kid when your still a kid, and pregnancy can happen even when your safe about s*x, so I rather my future kids just wait.

  27. i'd care, but since i do it then i know my kids will too so i'll have to accept it. definitely want them using protection though!!!

  28. I think as long as I was told that they were ready to have s*x, and sat down to talk about the risks and such associated with being a sexually active teenager, and as long as I was able to buy them some sort of birth control, then yes. You really can't stop a person from doing what they want once they've made up their mind. All you can do be supportive and give them the knowledge to make good decisions, and hope for the best. It's so hard to be a parent and be put in that situation. but I think we all have to remember that our "babies" do grow up.

  29. As long as they're above the age of 16. If they were responsible about it, and mature enough. I wouldn't expect them to wait until marriage. I didn't. But I would make sure they'd know the FULL consequences of their actions before they made that decision.

  30. I think I'd mind LESS if they used control, but I mean still....

    It's like, birth control isn't a sure-fire thing.

    And also, as long the guy/gal they were having intercourse with was a biaatch/w***e/manslut


  31. I don't know that they should wait until marriage, but they should definitely wait until they are out of highschool!  I would NOT be happy if I found out my kids were having s*x!

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