
Would you change how you wore your shirt in a bizarre situation?

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This question is just for fun and is based on my imagination that runs away with me at times, haha. Anyway: suppose you had on a plain white T-shirt untucked and jeans. Your jeans had a belt but no one could see the belt because the shirt was too long. You go somewhere, maybe college campus or the train station or a nightclub... Anyway, when you get there, you see that everyone else has on the exact same white T-shirt as you and the same jeans but their T-shirts are tucked in and they have on the same type of belt as you. You're the only one with your T-shirt untucked. Would you feel self-conscious? Also, would you tuck in your T-shirt so you looked like everyone else?

This question is just for fun and not meant to offend anyone.




  1. no i would leave my shirt the way it was just so it wasn't like everyone elses. and maybe roll the sleaves up to make it look more like a tank top than a t shirt.

  2. I'd roll up the sleeves (not all the way), and either leave the shirt untucked, and just tuck in the front so you can see the fancy belt buckle.  

  3. No way! I refuse to conform to the MAN!!!

    And that would be really creepy if everyone was wearing the same thing....

    I'd probably just run away screaming, "BADLY DRESSED ZOMBIES!!!! AHHHH!!!"


  4. lol... I think I would keep it as is, just to be a little bit unique.  I've never been one to be a cookie-cutter person.

  5. id probably leave it untucked. i dont like tucked in shirts

    id feel weird and wondering why everyone was wearing the exact same thing. then id think it was funny and very ironic

  6. i would prob tuck my shirt in but not just to look like everyone else.  when im wearing a belt i like to flaunt it.  i rly like the feeling =)

  7. lol, i would cut my shirt ,not to flashy....cut the bottom of my pants to frea them out.....

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