
Would you change the way you look just to please the person your with?

by  |  earlier

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Even if they told you they like how you look but prefer a different look would you change it to make them happy?




  1. Depends on how serious I am with him, and what the request is.

  2. I don't think that you should have to change the way you look to appease the other person but if it is something that you both mutually agree upon do it for yourself and for the other...

  3. No, I wouldn't. It's just wrong to change your identity to please someone else. They need to just accept it, or find someone else if it bothers them so much.  

  4. Yes and no.  I'd compromise.  I'd let them know that "what you see is what you get" but  I'm willing to be "your beauty queen" on occasion if it will make you happy.

  5. Only after he changes something about the way he looks.

  6. I would, but then, my spouse would not ask me to do that

    nor I her!

  7. No. It WAS a big argument between me and my husband. Until I told him that if he didn't love me for me, that there was the door, not to let it hit him in the *** on the way out. He stopped.  

  8. LOL, no! If they prefer a different look, why the h**l would they be with me in the first place? I change for no one!

  9. No cause if he/she doesn't like the way you look then they shouldn't have gotten together with you in the first place.

    If you want to change your looks do it for yourself NOT another person.

  10. Yes, if it made me happy too

  11. It depends. If I love the way I would look if I dressed a little different or if I did my hair different of course. As long as I'm happy with my look first I would want to make my husband too. If I want him to dress or look a little different sometimes and he's fine with that then it's good for me. There's no reason why not. I mean if he wants to force me to look different and I don't want to then no I wouldn't change.

  12. Depends, it is a "fetish" thing, or are they trying to make you look like someone else that they have the hots for?

    I'd find out why before I made any changes.

  13. no if he doesnt like me for who i am its his loss

  14. your insecure and you don't think your good enough the way you are.  

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