
Would you choose abortion or adoption?

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I was adopted, but my birth mother almost aborted me. so I would choose ADOPTION. It's a random question I know.




  1. I am pro-abortion. I have adopted two children and I am very glad the birth mother had them. However each person there is a different circumstance. It is to be left up to the women.

  2. Adoptees are dying through lack of genetic medical history anyway, so what's the difference

    I'd parent any child of mine

  3. I don't beleive in abortion unless it was the outcome of a tragic experience. For example, rape. But getting pregnant due to carelessness and deciding to abort that baby is inhumane. Adoption is always the better choice. Give that child a better life and the opportunity to live it.

  4. Abortion, Children should not be created and then given away.

  5. i say adoption because  its not u to choose when to kill someone its like your legually killing someone and hey you could be killin the next big or singer....u never know...and the child didnt ask to be here u chose to do it so let it live u dont have any authority to take away someones life

  6. Abortion, abso-freaking-lutely, hands down.

    I would also like to add that I am sick and tired of people saying that abortion is only a right choice under the circumstance of rape. If you truly believe that abortion is wrong why does rape make it ok? The child has no say in who it's father was. If it is due to the trauma of the mother then what about other cases of trauma that result in pregnancy such as abusive relationships or what if the mother is traumatized by the very fact that she is pregnant.

    I HATE hypocritical people. Blech.

  7. well, do some research on abortion....u could be careless, (and maybe get AIDS, beside getting pregnant), and then go to a doctor, who will put a thing similar to ur vaccume inside of ur body, and suck the living child out of ur body in pieces....leg..arm..head...another leg....and so on. beside the pain u, urself feels, can u imagine what that baby feels?

    so unless it is in the case of rape, i not only think abortion is inhumane, i think it is down right evil!!!

    i am adopted, and raised by a wonderful family. went to college, ive traveled all over the U.S. and seen some amazing things. i have met many famous people, and become great friends with them, and many other people ive met in my travels. i have a gorgeous daughter, 25, who went to college, who met, and is married to a wonderful man, they have given me 2 amazing grand kids. they just bought a house, and they (daughter and son in law) just recently both bought harley's and ride alot together, and the kids come spend time with me, swimming, learning abc's, and helping my grandson who is going into the 1st grade this year!! woo hoo!!!

    what if my birth mom would have aborted me? ....earse everything i just wrote!!! think about it.....

  8. Adoption.

  9. I would choose adoption all the way, every child deserves a chance in life. I don't believe in abortion, it is murder either way you look at it, you are killing someone. I would love to adopt a child later on in my life. Every child derserves a home to grow up in and be loved. No matter if you choose adoption or abortion you would wonder who that child would of been or is when they grow up.

  10. Adoption!!!!!!!!!!

  11. ADOPTiON i could never abort anything no matter how i got pregenat i thinks its really wrong to kill something that it wasnt even its fault. Also its just sad to even do that so for me adoption 1 i LOVE kidsz =]] 2 could never abort an inicent child ♥

  12. Adoption, of course!

  13. If abortion was the solution to stopping self centered people from contributing to  trafficking, kidnapping, rapes, and murders of existing children by driving up the demand for international children than I would be for abortion 100% but then again it doesn't matter what I or you think because its a woman's right to choose.

  14. Adoption for sure!! :) It is such a beautiful option. There are a lot of adults out there that want to have a family but can't due to whatever reason.

    When you choose abortion, it is not only ending one life, but a line of lives. My father was adopted. If he was aborted, I wouldn't be here now, my brother or my nephew.

  15. As an adoptee I am forever grateful that my natural mother didn't abort me and as a relinquishing mother I did not even let the thought of an abortion pass through my mind

  16. def. depends on the situation and age. if i were to get prego RIGHT say abortion. i KNOW its wrong and blahblahblah. and plus when you adopt or give a baby up, youll always be wondering what the baby is doing, where it is, stuff like that.

  17. For me personally, it's hard for me to imagine either case - because of being unable to conceive for so long.  However, if forced to choose between one or the other, I would choose adoption.  

    That being said, I still fully support a woman's right to choose.  What I believe in or what I would choose, is not necessarily what someone else might want.  It should be every woman's right to choose what is best for her in her own situation.

  18. Adoption.

    My grandmother, back in the '30's, killed herself with a self-inflicted abortion, so my feelings are conflicted about legal abortion.

  19. I would chose adoption... but I value my right to make that decision.

    I'm adopted, so I can't imagine ever aborting a child... however, I'm still pro-choice because I don't think anybody has the right to make that decision for me.

    I'd also like to add that I do NOT look down on anyone that chooses abortion.  I've actually driven two friends to get abortions and been the coach for one who gave her child up for adoption.  Like I stated earlier, it's every woman's choice and I would never EVER think I have a right to tell another woman what she should do wit her body, REGARDLESS of the circumstances surrounding her decision.

  20. I have sooooo many problems with adoption.

    I would never ever put a child through what i went through. I just wouldn't.

    But I've lose one daughter, and have a 3 month old gremlin daughter lol, so I really couldn't say.

    Unless I was in a situation, and had to make that descision, I really have no idea.


  22. i would choose adoption even though i think both ways are stupid u should just keep the baby because it is your fault that you are pregnant unless you are raped.  But i would pick adoption because at least then the kid can have a life.

    But really what ever happened to taking care of your own kid.  I mean you had unprotected s*x, or maybe the condom broke, but either way u had s*x so being pregnant is your fault, why try to just erase it.  You can't, by aborting u r killing a baby u r taking a life.  With adoption you just don't want to take responsibilty for your actions.  I mean come on i am a teen and i have kids because i didn't want to pawn my actions off on someone else.  Why do that to your kid, did you ever ask them, no ok i am sure your kid would want to live with it's birth mom and if you were thinking about abortion your kid would think it is sick and wrong.  I mean they want to live with their parent and have a life.  I think both ways are just how people give their actions to someone else, because they don't want to deal with it, well, NEW FLASH, a baby doesn't just pop up in your uterus, u had s*x, it is ur fault.  So come get with the program and just raise your kids, and take responsibilty for your actions

  23. My answer from a question that was asked three days ago:

    Ok, I'm going to just go ahead and state the obvious here: WHAT ABOUT PARENTING???

    Now that that's out of the way, if it's a choice between adoption and abortion, and parenting is out of the question (I can't imagine why it would be, considering most of the reasons women give their children away are temporary and easily overcome, especially with all the help we have in today's society), then I'd have to say abortion is better. I disagree with abortion. I believe it's murder. But there's this whole thing that I keep hearing over and over again that adoption creates a situation where the child is made to feel grateful to these people who "saved them" for all eternity.

    Have you ever heard about that Eastern custom where if you save someone's life, they are indebted to you for the length of their life, unless they save YOUR life? Well, that's true. Did you also know that BECAUSE of this custom, it is not considered an option to save a person's life? They wouldn't subject their loved ones to a life of subservience to another person - a life of gratefulness. It is considered a kindness to allow the person to simply die, let their life end where nature intended (because they don't believe in killing, and I'd be willing to bet that abortion falls under that category for's nature's way or no way), rather than to spend the remainder of their life a slave to another person.

    Speaking of nature's way...let's go back to this idea of parenting. What a world this would be if WE westerners lived by this philosophy. If you get pregnant, that's nature's way of telling you that you're ready to be a parent. And if you're infertile, it's nature's way of telling you that you get to spend your adult years being the cool Aunt that gives all your Mom-friends a break. And/or you get to be EVERYONE's God-mom, and if someone is unable to parent, then viola, you get to become the parent you always wanted to be - the ethical way.

    Man, I really am a crazy hippie chick, aren't I? All these weird ideas about "it takes a village" and "Eastern customs". Enough to drive an entitled PAP wild!

  24. Adoption

  25. abortion

  26. It would depend on the situation.  I was raped and had delivered with my first.  I got pregnant with a guy i was in love with but he decided to go back to Vietnam when he found out so I aborted it. I think adoption is the hardest! After you carry a child and nurture it while in the womb for 9 months, then go through the pain of labor and hear the childs first cry,  then secretly knowing someone else will be taking care of your baby for the rest of their life, would be harder then terminating the pregnancy.   Once you deliver your baby, the baby knows who the mother is by smell, the sound of your voice and by some other phenomenal attributes.  I just think it would be hard to worry bout if the baby will resent you when they are older and it would definitely be hard on birthdays knowing you should openly be celebrating an amazing day but you cant because you dont want anyone to know.

  27. Adoption with out a doubt. My biomother did not abort me thus i could not do so to my own child. Unless it was a matter of life and death

    I just don’t believe in abortion unless its health related the mother will likely die. Or a woman was raped. I could never support any woman who got an abortion unless it was for one of those 2 reasons.  I also realize that a child conceived of rape, it is not their fault and it would be nice if the mother could have them and raise them or at least place them for adoption, over aborting them. It takes a strong woman to go through a pregnancy that was the result of a rape.

  28. Adoption.

    Is there anyone here on this list that would have had their mother choose abortion?

    (judging by the thumbs downs, I guess we have a few suicidals on Yahoo! Answers today)

  29. adoption- abortion is terrible and there are so many wonderful loving familes looking for a child.  i am glad your mother was smart and made the right choice.  It must have been very hard on her to give up her child

  30. interesting... maybe adoption.

  31. Had you been aborted, you'd never know the difference.

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