
Would you choose to live forever?

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You get to stay the age you are now - forever.




  1. It's a big commitment. An eternity could be a good or a bad thing, so honestly i don't know. Also, do I get to stay the age i am forever?

  2. I would love to live forever, as long as I was healthy.

  3. I think soon we will  

  4. I think that would be awesome.

  5. Live forever is not the goal of life.  Rather, I choose live healthily till the last minute than live forever.

  6. Yeah, but definitely not in this world. In a world described at Revelation 21:4 and Psalm 37:10,11.

  7. in this world no,in heaven yes ,with my lover forever.

  8. That what Jehovah promise us that we will live forever unless if you believe in Jehovah.

  9. Good qestion,I think if everybody is young now,they will all choose to live forever,that's the LIVING CHOOSING ITSELF.otherwise,it the going of death.

    I mean,LIVING IS EVERYTHING,otherwise there will be nothing.

  10. I probably would.  Could I still die?  Because if I could then I would.

    If I can help the world for hundreds of years then I would.

    Can I also choose the age to stay forever, that is not previous.

  11. i don't know. i'm not afraid to die. but.. hmm.. if it's a matter of choice. then yes, i wanna live forever, but hopefully not this young.

    i want to experience more to life than there is. I wanna observe human beings.

    maybe, about my late 20s could i say that i wanna live forever at that age. i wanna discover what men haven't discovered this time yet. I wanna experience the events that haven't been happening right now, like the ones scientists predict happening in a few thousands of years from now. i wanna experience life.

  12. Yes - Eternal Life is for those who love God!

    But if you could ponder - 'where' would you choose to live forever, it would be worthwhile.

    I choose life with my Jesus, in Heaven - forever.

    Just can't imagine living eternally in h**l fire - desiring death, but 'their worms do not die'.

  13. Nope.  Life can be fun but it also includes much suffering, injustice, tragedy and boredom.  Life is not so great that it should go on forever.  It deserves to eventually end.

  14. that's a very hard question to comprehend.  Living forever is uncomprehendable, but so is what's after death.  Choosing between two uncomprehendable ideas is no easy task.  With that being said, i would ultimately choose death because living forever will eventually become boring as ****.

  15. well.. i am gunna live forever.. just not in this form-- in heaven! so yes, i would love to live forever

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