
Would you classify McCain as a "Neo con" ?

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If so what is your definition of a Neocon ?

How do they differ from other conservatives ?




  1. No, he is more of a liberal conservative.

  2. No, but he's certainly pandering to them in a desperate attempt to hang on to what he perceives as the Republican base.

    I did vote for him in the 2000 primary.  I won't be voting for him this year though.

  3. Thank you for the opportunity.  Conservatives believe that the government should be limited to the functions outlined in the Constitution.  Government should provide a military to protect us from aggression from without, local law enforcement to protect us from aggression from within, a legal system to prosecute aggressors, enforce contracts, and protect property rights.  The legal system was also constructed to protect our wonderful free enterprise system from businesses that seek a market advantage through price fixing and collusion with other businesses or with the government.  When politicians or businessmen call themselves  conservatives, yet use powers not given them by the Constitution to manipulate the system to protect government or industry monopolies, they are Neo-Cons.  These same people seek to unite the world under a single government.  They could be called the Democrat wing of the Republican Party.  Ron Paul calls them out, that is why our media blacked the leading candidate out of the primaries.

  4. Neoconservatism is more for the evangelicals. As long as Mccain promises to keep up the rhetoric on slaughtering more Muslims around the world, he could swing their votes his way.

    Vote McCain 2008!

  5. If I were speaking French, yes.  Go and look up 'con' in an anglo-French dictionary.

  6. Yes , he is A neo con in contradistinction to a conservative believes in a strong repressive government, strict morality, and a triumphalist view of wanting to spread their ideology throughout the world. Thus they are very oriented towards foreign war. A conservative prefers less government and little involvement abroad.

  7. No, he's got a liberal streak and has fought his own party in the past.

  8. Right now he's a blackmailed puppet of Cheney and the Oil Corps. And if he ever does get elected he'll be "removed" from office due to a sickness (notice how so many democrats are suddenly "dying" lately? How does that happen just before an election?)Anyway, after McCain serves his purpose of getting the White House for four more years, he's out of there and a NEW Puppet President just as stupid as GB will take the seat.

    See the pattern here?

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