
Would you classify me as emo? or am I just q***r?

by  |  earlier

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okay. i'm asking you to judge me. answer. please. okay... i like my eyeliner, i wear a lot of it. i wear my chucks with everything. i prefer skinny flare to regular skinnies, but thats only because skinnies are so hard to find. im not clinically depressed, but i'm good at bottling my feelings up. I'm self-destructive. (not suicidal, self-destructive. There's a difference) I'm a blonde, since my parents won't let me dye my hair. I have friends, but I'm not 'popular'. I spend a lot of time on the internet (duh). I can't smile without feeling like I'm lying. I write a lot of poetry and songs, most of which I can never allow to fall into my family or friends' hands- they would completely freak out and make me go to a freaking therapist. I'm an introvert, I don't like being surrounded by people. It makes me feel claustrophobic and I prefer the comfort of my room. My three favorite things to do are: write. music (i play the piano) and yes, I am a ballerina. What am I?




  1. i would say you're a teenager. all teenagers go through this state. and for your fashion, i loveee that stuff. you have emotions, you're not a robot. dont freak out, you're a normal teen :D

  2. why do you have to classify yourself. why cant you just be you.ppl try to classify me as emo, and im just about everything u wrote[cept instead of ballerina put in gymnast, and thats me] plus i cut. but when ppl call me emo, i say, no im not, because im just me. try being yourself.

  3. im not to sure... u sounds like an emo exept for the one main thing ur missing that rly makes u an emo... do u kno what "emo" stands for? emotional "emotionally depressed" which u said ur not... but to other people u may look like an emo... good luck :D

  4. your a dumbass, emo is q***r lol

  5. Oh, I was never good at these guessing games. A... teenager? No? c**p. Maybe... hormonal? Closer? OK, you... are...... Can I have a hint?

  6. Your style is emo, so I'd say emo. You should get some help from a counselor, since you're self-destructive and can't smile.

  7. You're just you, an individual. Everyone is different. I'm the same way with a lot of those things. If you are happy with the way you are, it's not weird at all. It's a lot better than being unhappy. However, if you're self-destructive, you might want to let out some of your bottled feelings. But back to your question, I personally think you're normal (or whatever you want to be if you find normal an insult.)

  8. you seem like me in 8thgrade

    i wanted to be emo though and i tried.

    but now my favorite color is yellow and i cant stand to wear black or go out without heels on or i just go barefoot. so i think it is probablly just a phase you will realaize like wtf one day

    and dont ask people to judge you

    but i am betting you want to be emo?

  9. wellll.

    certainly not q***r if yer a girllll.

    you are not emo either.

    hmmm, idk.

  10. I would label you as Y.O.U. It is a label that stands for You're Original & Unique. Please do not try to fit into a category!  

  11. a little emo if you cut youd be dead emo

  12. You're an individual. Don't label yourself. When you stereotype yourself, you expect to be something that may not actually be you and when you don't meet those expectations, you feel lost.

    The only thing that you are doing that is not healthy is being self destructive. Hurting your body will solve nothing. I hate being surrounded by people and I spend a lot of time in my room on the internet as well, but I'm a relatively happy person. Keep on writing poetry and making music. It's a wonderful way to release your feelings and a much better way to do it than hurting yourself.

    Surround yourself with people that make you happy and think about all the positive things in your life and try to forget about the negative. Life is a wonderful thing if you really try to live it to the fullest.

  13. You're a normal teenager.  

  14. as a guy

    1) ur not emo....

    2) its all just part of being a tennager cuz im one.. i get like in certain moods where i hate everythinga and everyone and then i get happy as c**p

    3) just experiment til u find what u want ur self to be and just go for it...  u shudnt care what other people think...

    and finally

    4) ive gotten to where  i question everything and this may sound weird... and a bit odd. but poetry is like the best way for me to get anger out.. i usually am just writing random stuff

    and it turns out good

    well hope this helped

  15.    You're not emo, emos cut themselves and want to die.  You're just a little bit dark, that's all.  Dark is good.

  16. you are uniquely you. there's nothing wrong with you at all. you're just one of the different varieties of people in this world.

  17. A boring, cliche teenager.  

  18. You are you and that's is all you havee to be.

    It doesn't matter what catergory you are classified in,

    in this stereotypical-one thing-or this thing world.

    You just have to be you.



    By the way, I am just the same, but I hate labels.

    You are you.

    I am me.

    Question answered.

  19. well i do like girls so that makes me bisexual so i am pretty sure that u do like guys and u probably are a little bit emo so im guessin from what u told me ur a little bit of both ......-alexus

  20. You seem a little emo but a casual girl

    and that likes to dress the way she likes!

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