
Would you climb on board with the idea that there are beings on other planets? On another frequency so that we

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can't see them?

I've heard this a lot from mediums and visionaries.....




  1. I will respond.  As a scientist I certainly believe we are NOT alone in the universe.  In just the Milky Way galaxy, there are estimated about 300 billion stars.  There are estimated to be some 100 billion galaxies in the universe and these are visible.  Science is currently finding proof of other M class stars like ours or binary stars, which have been shown to have Jupiter sized planets on them already.  Earth sized planets are a little bit harder to detect currently.  But if our solar system is any kind of model at all for what is possible, then statistically, I have to be lead to the conclusion there is life all over not only our galaxy, but in who knows how many other galaxies out there.  It is very comfortable for the nay sayers to sit in their tight seats and reject the idea of extra terrestrial life much as it was for the Catholic Church to deny that the earth is round or that the earth travels a path around the sun instead of the other way around.  Statistically, there will always be at least an 0.3% chance of unpredictability.

    Even if that number were hugely conservative, which would represent 900 million stars out of the 300 billion.  This lead a scientist name Drake to produce the Drake Equation. Which can be found here:

    This equation, however shakey, because it makes some assumptions, still indicates currently that for the value of L, there could be as many as 10,000 civilizations equal to or greater in technology alone in this galaxy.

    I am just having a hunch that number is vastly greater.  And some of those civilizations are probably millions of years more advanced than our own...which means they could have solved the enormous problems involved in trying to get enough energy to form a worm hole that would allow for interstellar travel or for the development of a level of mathematics and physics which would make ours look like baby chatter.  This is on our own level of what we call the normal observable universe.

    I am totally speculating again, but I do believe that life exists at other vibrational frequencies (but I am without proof entirely).  I would be found in the camp that says, it is possible.  I also believe in multiple universes and infinite levels of vibrational frequencies which would allow "life" to exist, although probably under some pretty alien circumstances to our own.  

    Well that is my take on it.

  2. I know that we are not all there is! We live in 4 dimensions, the 4th being time, Now science can't  explain gravity which is a force tied to the universal harmony effect. we see the effects of gravity on our 3 dimensions but there are at least 12 that math says must be there. About the aliens.  Most are inter dimensional travelers who are vibrating on a different frequency than our own reality and they can cross our space time by jumping notes on the universal scale. Some do not use craft, They find a weak or dying pre-born mind and implant their mind into it.  This leaves the new hybrid slightly out of phase with "normal" humans.  They become the socially inept geniuses, doctors, inventors, and sometimes the phase differential is so great they may become sick. serial killers for one. Note the lack of conscience in most of them. There are a few who know that they come to observe and report. ever heard of "My life flashed before my eyes"?  The mind does not exist in the body, the brain is just like your computer, it holds the operating and accessing functions but the vast store of data is stored on a remote server and the brain is a multi- dimensional transmitter/receiver. (this could also explain ghosts).  Everything you experience is stored there even though you may have lost the address to access it. What the mediums do is acccess the storehouse of date kind of like a hacker does. They do not know how they do it any more than you know how you move your arm, You just think it and it moves. See? There is way more to this, but I've tried to keep it simple. Hope it helps. 'U' : > 'bleep'

  3. a suggestion is light beings, they move at the speed of light, perhaps this is what you mean " at different frequencies" I know this sounds way out there and to biblical but angels are supposed to be beings of light moving at light speed.l

  4. It certainly is a possibility, I love the line in Contact where Jody is speaking with her deceased father, in character, and he says that if we are alone here, then it is an awful lot of wasted space!

    BTW, you look kinda like that guy that ended up in Jody's bed......... and that is a compliment.

    Follow the link

    the movie 'white noise' is another notion.

  5. Possibly, anything is possible,I am a see it to believe it Person, but I would not want to see one .

  6. What do you mean, "on another frequency"? If aliens exist in this universe, they are made of the same atoms and same kinds of molecules that the rest of the universe is. And if that's the case, they will absorb and reflect light waves of certain wavelengths, and if those wavelengths are in the range of human vision, we could see them. For comparison, there aren't any biological organisms on earth that are completely transparent, though there are some sea creatures and some land creatures like frogs with translucent skin. It would be hard to imagine any kind of biological tissue, even alien tissue, being as transparent as glass.

    Are there beings on other planets, regardless of whether we can see them or not? I think it's very reasonable to believe its possible.

  7. No, I will not climb aboard. However, there might be radio stations on other frequencies, perhaps just the turn of a dial away.......

    Even if there were creatures that were ultraviolet or infrared colored, and assuming this makes them invisible to our human eyes, we are not visiting other plants. The probes and rovers we are sending to other planets would pick up such things if they could.

    My point is, there could just as easily be creatures in our frequency on other planets. Its not worth seriously considering something like this until we have explored other planets.

    The only planet we have explored enough that we could possibly have found anything resembling life is mars.

  8. I'm not really sure what you mean by 'frequencies'.  Do you mean not carbon-based?  Sure, there could be silicon-based life out there - it's just going to be harder for us to detect since we don't have any experience with it.

    There are hundreds of planets out there that we've discovered, and probably billions more in our galaxy alone.  They appear to be pretty common.  But we've only actually looked for life in two places - the Moon and Mars - and we didn't really expect to find it on either.  Wait until we can explore the oceans on Europa, or have a new way of detecting Earth-like planets.  I'm sure there's life out there, it's just currently out of our range of detection.  It's too far away.

    Here's a great short clip illustrating the kinds of distances we're talking about, and you'll see why it's so hard for us to even find nearby planets around other stars.

    Actually, we can 'see' in infrared, ultraviolet, x-rays, gamma rays, microwaves, and radio waves.  We have telescopes that can see in all of those bands, and we are looking at the universe with them constantly.  If life were out there sending us signals in those bands, we'd pick it up easily.

  9. I would go along with the idea there is comunication happening on 'frequencies' which are not within standard human perception.  Dogs that can sense epiliptic attacks before they happen is one ting that comes to mind.

  10. i think i would climb on board just because i have the curiosity of search new lifes, new communications, or just verify all the things i know just then lol, there may have lots of ways of thinking and differents researchs but i would love to go there cause its just amazing watching it by yourself.

    Kiss & hughs

  11. I disagree about the plasma-based life forms on other planets and the notion that they are the reported aliens being which i think is completely of evidence. I believe Aliens and But believe they are from a star system in the physical Universe.

    We are a carbon based and bio-plasma life forms i agree. And i do believe in Parallel or Etheric universe beyond this dimension, Heaven/astral plane etc.

    But is have disagreement with those metaphysical studies.

    About these Alien bio-plasma life forms. The only bio-plasma life forms  I believe are Angels, demons and us.

    Who all reside in a higher dimension operating at energy vibrating at a much finer frequency than the lower dimension physicality.

  12. by frequency do you mean another dimension.. yes i would.

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