
Would you come visit your fiancee in hospital if he was there trying to pass 12 kidney stones?

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Ty and I have been together for 18 months now and engaged for 6 of those.He's been the perfect boyfriend from day one and has always treated me no less than one would royalty.Last week he was admitted to hospital with severe abdominal pain.The doctor told him he had 12 kidney stones that he needed to pass and left him in a feotal position on the bed moaning and groaning in pain after he was given morphine.

Since I had taken that week off work to organize my 27th birthday party,I left shortly after he was told what was causing the pain.I figured since there wasn't anything I could do anyway I figured I might as well go do something productive and work on my birthday party.He spend 5 days in hospital before he passed them and I went to see him on the morning of day 6,the day after my birthday.He broke-up with me calling me a superficial heartless ***** reminding me that when I was in hospital 6 months ago with a broken leg and sprained wrist

from a car accident,he dropped abslutely everything the second he heard and rushed to the hospital with flowers,chocolates,a dozen or so magazines and a portable dvd player with my fave movies on dvd.What the h**l did he expect me to do?




  1. I'm just glad he saw you for who you are BEFORE he married you!  Seriously - how dense can you be?

  2. idiot. (you, not him).

  3. Oh that's too funny. You, my friend, are self-centered. Lucky for him he figured it out soon enough to escape before he married your selfish hiney.

    Planning your 27th birthday party?!  Yeah - that 27th birthday it's  a milestone -- well worth avoiding your hospitalized fiance for a week.

  4. poor fella....for being with you i mean

  5. He should have told you how he felt earlier and you shouldn't have been so self-centered.  There's nothing you could have done about the pain but you could have been there to keep him company and been more supportive.  Had that been my husband, his condition would have been more of a priority than a party.  I would have stayed with him and tried to comfort him.  He may not have expected the royal treatment from you but at the very least he was expecting that you'd be there for him.  And you weren't.

  6. You should have done what any good significant other would have done.  Go visit him in the hospital every single day.  You didn't have to spend all say there, but a few hours would have been nice.  You could have brought him books, magazines, a portable dvd player and movies.  Whatever he wanted that you could bring really.

  7. what did he expect you to do,  are you that stupid he wanted the one person how is should love him no matter what and you were more worried about YOUR birthday then the pain he was in.  its a good thing he left then he did because he could ever count on you being there for him.

  8. HOW DARE HE!  You should have broken up with him for having the unmitigated gall to do this during the week of your birthday.  Forget his birthday...doesn't he realize you could have injured a toenail or a cutical going to see him.  What if you missed your favorite t.v. show.  G-d forbid!  I hope you never called him on the phone either!  What if you were talking on the phone and you were distracted and you didn't retrieve your food from the microwave on time. Or worse, what if someone was calling you and you missed their call.  A woman like you should have never gotten engaged in the first place.  Men are so heartless and disrespectful of your needs.  It sucks to be you--you need to wear a sign on your forehead to make sure you attract the right kind of man.

  9. He is correct. You sound selfish, he needed you there for support. He was there for you, you should have been there for him, too. Not out planning a birthday party for yourself, and leaving him there alone to deal on his own. Kidney stones are extremely painful and once again HE NEEDED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. That's a funny story.  Now if it isn't a story but reality, well than I have to agree with the others that you got what you deserved.  Humans by nature are selfish but if your going to be in a relationship / marriage than you have to be able to think about someone other than yourself.  If this is the person you claimed to love, than why not try and comfort him instead of worrying about some stupid assed birthday party that doesn't matter?  

  11. That is sooo wrong. You should have been up there everyday after work. Planning your own B day party and your finace is layed up in the hospital hmmmm only makes you think that you are thinking about yourself now and will when you are married.

    He deserves better than you.

  12. So you didn't go see him for *5 days* (there on the first day and went back on the 6th) because you were too busy planning your birthday party?  Yeah, if I were him, I'd be pissed too.  

  13. Ty is right...your bf/fiance/husband is in the hospital you drop EVERYTHING and go see him! i would go before and after work! in the marriage vows it ays through sickness and in health....he saw how you would be if things got really bad

  14. I don't blame him for dumping you.

    He brought you flowers and magazines and stuff while you were in the hospital to cheer you up, and you probably weren't even in there very long. He was in the hospital for quite awhile, bored out of his mind, and you didn't even go see him for 5 days because you were busy with planning a birthday party!?!? And while he was in pain!?

    Yes, you are a superficial heartless *****, to answer your question.  

  15. He is right. You are a heartless b***h.

    How can you even post this question and expect people to side with you?


  16. He is lucky this happened.  At least he got a chance to see how self-centered you are BEFORE he married you.  Do him a favor and leave him alone to find someone with better character.  Plan your birthday gotta be kidding.

  17. Okay granted being in a tiny room with a man trying to pass 12 stones is not going to be a day at the beach.. I have to agree with him on this one.

    You f**t around for 5 days planning your birthday party while your fiance is laid up in a hospital bed going through excrutiating pain?

    Give the ring back.. And I know it's a big one with your materialistic ***.  You dont deserve it.

  18. You figured there wasn't anything you could do?

    Talk about a fair weather friend.

    You could have provided emotional support for someone you are supposed to love.

    Looks like he made the right choice.

  19. You are exactly what he called you! how can you claim you love this man and you didn't go see him. I swear females like you is what gives females all over a bad name. Now this guy will find it real hard to give in to any female! You should of been there with him ALL 6 days. you chose your bday party over him!

    If my husband were in the hospital i dont think ill even want to plan a party unless it was a welcome home party for him! you're so heartless.  

  20. He probably expected you to at least visit him once a day!!!

    You waited until he was all good until you visited him. I would have done the same thing.

    He probably believes, and I believe, that you were out parting in your Birthday suit with a couple of dudes while he was in severe pain and needed a bit of compassion.

    EDIT: The screen name "Bell" does not suit you. You are not beautiful by any means. Oh you might look great, but you are not beautifull. I sugeest you change your name to:Brutta to keep with the Italian thing you have going on.

  21. I have raised shire horses for over 40 years. I treat my horses better than you treat your BF. I suggest he trade you in for a shire horse, which is more loyal.

  22. I don't believe your story first of all...I have pissed kidney stones and they are no picnic....I can't imagine a Dr. leaving a patient in that kind of agony...One stone is extremely painful...but 12???   If the Dr.s are going to have the patient pass their stones on their own...they would have sent them home....I had surgery to remove my one stone...

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