
Would you comment on another Acrostic Partenza, inspired by ajunker200?

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Dream…An Acrostic Partenza inspired by ajunker200

by C.S. Scotkin

Daring to go to my bed room

Room quiet, peaceful, I enter

Enter, fluff up pillows awhile

Awhile ponder the mystery

Mystery of Morpheus’ smile.




  1. That was very creative.

  2. OMG this is wonderful, and OMG you've been pulled over, lol. Good job!

  3. Lovely, peaceful.


  4. so nice!

  5. Lie down now and close your eyelids

    I bid you good night n sleep well.

    May bird songs wake you in morning

    And your dreams will all be swell.

  6. wow this is GREAT Ms.Scotkin!

    very good!

    and PP youre funny!! ya!

  7. PP: Do you know why I pulled you over, Ms. Scotkin?

    C: No, Sir, Officer.

    PP: I've pulled you over because I suspect you've been writing under the influences. Are you willing to submit to the field test? If not out here in the field, how about the aforementioned boudoir, the one with the soft, fluffy pondering...

    C: Oh my, what wonderful diligence.

    PP: Yes, Ma'am. "To serve and protect."  

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