
Would you consider Hillary Clinton a Feminist? A good role model for women?

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I've never heard her state whether she is one or not, have you?

If you've never heard this, would you consider her one?

Do you think she's a good role model for women everywhere?




  1. Yeah, she expects a man to pay her debts but claims to be equal.

  2. As far as role models, she's far from a perfect person, but to date no woman has come as close to the Presidency as she has. She deserves some respect for that.

  3. Feminist, yes.  Good role model, no.

  4. I have mixed feelings about her when it comes to being a role model and/or a feminist.

  5. No, she isn't a very nice person.

  6. Rio is incorrect. The media wasn't the was they were because she was a Clinton. It's because she is a women and an especially annoying one.

  7. She is good role modlel because she tolerate monica levinsky scandal.

  8. Yeah she is a feminist but she is not at all a good role model.

  9. Yes and No

  10. You've never heard her state this because . . .

    in the REAL world . . . .

    the world that GROWNUPS live in . . .





    And don't underestimate how much of a role model she actually is, whether you like her or not, for women who never thought they'd see a woman run for the White House in their lifetimes.  

    The world is not really defined by the MySpace crowd.

  11. I think she is a feminist, and she'd be a better role model for women if:

    1. she ran a smarter campaign, and

    2. everyone stopped demonizing her. I tell you, if she wasn't a Clinton, she would have been treated much better by the media.

  12. I never heard her state either way. Rumors are that she is a difficult person to deal with PERIOD.

    I would consider her a loser that's all.

    I would be ashamed if any of my offspring would consider ANY Clinton a good role model.

  13. I'm not sure if she is a feminist, as a politician her political goals have always come first and that means she has had to compromise in some areas that someone with more definite convictions may have chosen not to.

    However, she is a strong woman, and has shown she is able to deal with public life and as a person who moves actively and effectively in the wider world.

    In that respect, yes she's a good role model to say to younger women "you can achieve, but you have to work hard and there are consequences which are not always what you might imagine".

    I'm not sure if she's a good role model for women 'everywhere', because outside the US things are managed differently. For example, in Australia political candidates don't go through the lengthy process Obama and Clinton have just endured, so things are very different.

    Regarding her marriage, etc, her personal life is her own business, but there is no doubt she has raised a fine daughter who is a successful person in her own right, and also that she has close family ties with her family.

    Cheers :-)

  14. I had a good opinion about her before the femminists started there "the first women president" c**p, when it went downhill. She is a good role model for women though, since, among others, she did handle the crisis well when Bill messed it up.

  15. Does she believe women deserve equal rights and equal opportunities?  If so, then she's a feminist.  She doesn't have to call herself a feminist in order to be one, she just has to believe what feminists believe.  

    Is she a good role model?  I don't know.  Some of her actions qualify her as a good role model, whereas other actions make me think she's not such a great role model.  If you look at the big picture, the major twists and turns of her life as well as her biggest accomplishments, she's a good role model, but if you start to scrutinize small details (like her lie about being "under sniper fire") she doesn't look like such a good role model.  So, her quality as a role model really depends on whether you want to look at the big picture (her whole life) or focus in on minor details.

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