
Would you consider MMA a disgraceful art compared to the other?

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Dude Delta I can't give the least bit of a d**n about MMA. Just like it says in the question




  1. If you don't like MMA, don't watch it.


  2. No, because MMA is not a martial art IT IS A SPORT.

  3. Why is it that so many people all martial arts are about self defense, most of them are about attacking as well sillies.

    And also the complaints of MMA ruining martial arts because people use it to get rich? There have been untold thousands of people that use martial arts for money.

    Even if you dont count all the acotrs that have used thier martial arts to get rich, everyone else does as well. after all you have to pay for those TKD classes dont you.

    MMA is not ruining Martial arts, its just a sport, people get paid just like any other sport, and just like any other sport thier are jerks and thier are respectful competitors.

  4. I think it is disgraceful when they lose their cool and flip off the crowd and their opponent like one fighter did or when they trash the house on the UFC program.  On the other hand its refreshing to see a fighter handle himself with class both in the ring and out of the ring and there are many that do.  I just watched the Keith Jardine and Wanderlei Silva match the other night and Jardine when interviewed after losing said he has to figure out where he went wrong, get back to training and get better.  I would rather hear that than some guy go off and curse and insult people and flip them off.  Jardine shows that there is some moxy there and I think that there is some respect and other things as well among a larger group of the fighters just like there is among athletes in general.  There are of course those that don't have it, don't show it, and they don't represent anything but themselves in a negative light mostly.

  5. Gaining money, respect and fame is bad? Maybe if you become obsessed with it, but that would be the fault of the fighter. These are competitions put for people to strengthen their skills if they want to and also to entertain.

    What about martial arts movie stars. Are they disgraceful as well?

    But many martial arts have a sport version or are sports. Chinese martial arts have Sanshou. There's Judo, Boxing, Taekwondo, Karate, Muay Thai, BJJ. These are all bad?

    Whether he likes to admit it an essential part of martial arts is fighting.

    The belief that martial arts is all about discipline or spirituality is an entirely different viewpoint. It's not fact. Just an opinion. He's entitled to have it, just as long as he doesn't shove it down people's throat and expect people to believe it just because it's 'deep'.

    Many western martial artists, I think, believe that martial arts is a bout discipline and morality but to a smaller degree than fighting.

  6. MMA is no more disgraceful than any other fighting system (kung fu, karate, boxing, muay thai, or whatever).  It's whatever kind of heart you bring to it.  If you bring a good heart, the art will be good.  If you bring an evil heart, well...that sounds like the bad guy from "Never Back Down"...who sounds like the cousin of the Cobra Kai instructor in "The Karate Kid".

    As for using martial arts to make money as a fighter.  Muhammad Ali's father painted billboards for a living and his mother worked as a housekeeper/cook.  Do you begrudge him wanting to make a better life for his family?  Sure he won at the Olympics, but you can't eat a gold medal.  

    Go to Thailand or Cambodia.  Boxers there make a pittance compared to N.America, but for them it's the best way to provide for their families.

  7. so no karate guy every punched a guy for no reason or a TKD person never kicked a guy in the head just to see if he could knock him out? its all up to the artist a MMA fighter can be a great martial artist or a punk the choiuce a boxer makes or aikido karate judo TKD.

  8. This is bullsh*t. All you people talking down on mma and athletes. The real thing is Dicipline , Honor , and Respect can not be taught to everyone! Some people have it and some don't there is going to be an A hole in your karate class , and there is going to be a holes in your mma classes. WHat is so disgraceful about to athletes , who agree to test each others skill and heart in a hand to hand fight , with rules. There is nothing more graceful and honorable then two mixed martial arts warriors fighting each other , drawing blood , and getting up and shaking hands  , like they do at every UFC. You want to see some S***y sportsman ship look at boxing these days , everyone is trying to be the next Mike Tyson.

  9. I wouldn't call MMA disgraceful, but I also wouldn't call it a martial art in itself. MMA takes the most effective aspects of many different developed arts... and also has the effect of seemingly dumbing down these refined styles, until one would be hard-pressed to call it an "art". I'm not sure I can speak for all martial artists, but I know that my dislike for MMA is really just because I feel it's popularising "martial arts" as an all-out man-on-man ***-kicking fest with no rules or defined form... and also because everybody and his brother is walking into an MMA gym, learning some gound moves, and will probably be able to kick my *** in no time. Anyway, I'm not saying MMA is an abomination and a scar on the face of martial arts - I just wish they'd take a step away from the whole Profesional Wrestling look (the crowd's the same, anyway). Maybe put some gi's on.

  10. I don't consider MMA to be an martial art, but a fighting sport.  It's like saying that K1, PKA, or WCL is an art.  

    There are plenty of people who disgrace their arts.  The MMA has just given a lot of exposure to people who do.  The promotion of it seems to favor fighters who behave badly.  Then again, isn't that true in most sports?

    The bottom line is that many traditional martial artists train their entire lives to avoid fighting and MMA fighters purpose in training is to fight.  There is a serious disconnect between the motivations of the two which is why it is unlikely they will ever get along.

  11. As others have said, MMA isn't technically a martial art. It's a sporting competition.

    As for all of that morality c**p, that's just a plainly idiotic arguement. Before MMA was big a lot of people were taking Karate, a traditional art, and a fair part of the people training used it to beat the c**p out of people that they didn't like for no particularly good reason. Martial artists are people, first and foremost -- regardless of style. There are good eggs, rotten ones, and all things inbetween.

    As for MMA fighters lacking discipline, that is a bigger load of c**p than those giant cess tanks in Boston Harbor. To go to the gym and train hard for 5 + hours every day takes more discipline than any hobbyist* could ever muster up.

    * Most of the people in Yahoo Answers probably don't train, of those who do, most are new, a third are delusional, and a sixth have their stuff together. Or so it seems to me.

  12. MMA is mixed martial arts which is many martial arts. MMA has done nothing harmful to martial arts. In fact martials schools are busier than ever. All the hype and trash talk in the ring is just for entertainment. The top guys of MMA(GSP, Anderson Silva, Bj Penn) are some of most dedicated and disciplined martial artists in the world. You've got to understand many of the top guys in the world got into martial arts for the love of it. It just so happens that with MMA booming they can know make a living at what they love to do most, train. GSP just said himself the belt means nothing to me its the memory that is important. The marketing unfortunetly is to make it look like a blood sport, but in fact its just a match between two highly dedicated martial artists.

  13. mma hasnt destroyed made us all more effective fighters!! dont believe me...go a few rounds with a mma fighter and you will start to see the weaknesses in how you train your art.

    even traditional guys train harder and more "alive" because of it. mma has taught the world how to really fight again.

    if traditional arts are getting sick of being lumped in with all the mcdojos, alot of them are realizing they ARE mcdojo's!!!..they need to step up and EVOLVE ..or remain in the shadows giving false confidence to its students.

    alot of traditionalists say things like that...bottom line...why aren't they in the cage? ..."its against my philosophy"...well that's fine...maybe it's just because you're scared? most likely. its likely that they simply know they'd lose...and lose badly.

    mma disgraceful? no way....martial arts are martial arts..theyre supposed to be used for fighting (that doesnt mean you have to be a bully)...all that other stuff about self confidence, philosophy and fitness came about fairly recently. any and all arts are supposed to teach you how to fight...period. if they dont, they shouldnt claim to...period.

    its time to bring traditional fighting arts back to teaching people how to fight. rather than dance around and look pretty.

    i've seen some karate dudes who can really fight...really well!!..but i've seen many more who couldn't fight their way out of the proverbial wet paper sack.

    all these schools doing their kata and not having a clue what its supposed to be used for. all these hapkido and jujutsu school teaching their "uke" to be compliant...this needs to stop if traditional arts are to get the respect they claim to deserve.

    mcdojos are what is ruining martial arts!!!!

    you want to see what real traditional arts can do...go to okinawa and watch some of the brutal conditioning goju ryu practitioners go through. watch uechi ryu practitioners do their bare knuckle full contact sparring. thats real karate. not the stuff you see at the local YMCA.

    an art has to deserve respect before it can demand it. its time to practice real martial arts. not tip tap point sparring and kata for no reason, not self defense techniques against a buddy who isnt really trying to hit you, who isnt really grabbing you hard...etc etc.

    traditional guys who do it right HATE getting lumped in with all the mcdojo's, nor do they deserve to be.

    take a long hard realistic look at your art, and more importantly how you train. dont be biased...and you will see loopholes..things you could do better, things that arent change them.

  14. MMA isn't an art. And he's partially right that MMA is destroying Martial Arts in general.

    Sure it's good and entertaining, no doubt.

    But compare a traditional martial artist like a Shaolin Monk to a modern one like Rampage.

    Who's more disciplined?

    That's what most MMA schools lack, DISCIPLINE. It's priority is to knock someone out or submit them, so why do forms and practice breathing when you can just learn to fight? Correct?

  15. the guy on never back down was just not a good martial artist thats all (ive never seen the movie) but neither are most karateka

  16. dude you and your friend need to do some research. this whole self defense only B.S. is a joke. what did the samurai practice martial arts for. TO KILL. every martial art was created for time of war. it was meant to be a better fighter than your opponent, so you don't get killed. now should you find other alternative to fighting, yes. should you walk away on the streets, yes. can me and thousands others do boxing, kickboxing and mma as a sport with out being ragged on by soccer moms, yes

  17. Mixed Martial arts is the best sport there is. It is great for martial arts in the sense that it most likly made student numbers double. That movie Never Back Down has nothing to do with anything. That's just a movie and that was bad for mma the way your fiend thinks mma is bad for martial arts. Yea Martial arts was made for self defense but martial arts are also really cool and now people like to watch use these different techniques for sport and entertainment. It was bound to happen. In today's world there is no way this would not happen. They invented ways to fight and we use them

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