
Would you consider Prince Charles and his wife Camilla's relationship a great love story that lasted decades?

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OR NOT...?




  1. Brian S is quite right about Wallis Simpson. The Commonwealth members were consulted by the government and made it clear that they would not accept her as queen. As it turned out, Edward's abdication was the best thing that could have happened. He wanted all the privileges of royalty, but would not carry out the duties that are essential to the job.

    With the revelations of later years of his pro-n**i sympathies, it is plain to be seen that he would have been a disaster on the throne. His brother King George VI was the right man for the times, and inspired the country to fight on during WWII by his own example.

    Charles and Camilla is a true love story. They didn't "choose" to fall in love, and they could have saved themselves and others a great deal of grief if they hadn't. But true love is an irresistable force that hits you over the head when you have entirely different plans. In this case, it brought years of trouble to everyone.

    I'm glad to see that their love has lasted and that they can finally be together after much heartache for all. Camilla has shown herself to be a great supporter of her husband and has much grace and tact in a difficult position.

  2. yes

  3. Charles and Camilla's is a great love story.

    And for the poster who said, "Edward VIII had to give up the throne just for wanting to marry an American divorcee." That's partially true. It was the divorcee part that was problematic, not that she was an American. Wallis Simpson, as someone said at the time, has the misfortune of having two living ex-husbands. It would have been more acceptable had she been widowed. But at the time divorced people couldn't be presented at Court, they couldn't take communion in church or receive other rites of the church, so it was totally impossible for the King, who is also head of the church, to marry a divorced woman.

    Plus, Wallace's age was against her. One of the things a monarch must do is produce an heir to continue the monarchy and prevent constitutional crises. Wallace was too old to have a baby and produce an heir. So it was a lose-lose-lose situation for Edward and the Empire.

  4. Yes. Unfortunately Charles has always loved Camilla but she just chose him as a second choice. She's one of those b-itchy types that only went for Charles after she saw the beauty he'd married.

    She was jealous of Diana and wanted to hurt her - which she did. The woman's twisted poor Charles.

  5. No, I'd consider it a story of flagrant tackiness and serial adultery.  This man is going to be supreme head of the Church of England and he's cheating on his wife with a married woman?

    Edward VIII had to give up the throne just for wanting to marry an American divorcee.  HRH Prince Charles has done far worse.

  6. Yes. I'm actually happy for both of them to be finally together. It's like a fairy tale ending. They met way before Princess Diana was even in the picture, and unfortunately Diana was a victim of Prince Charles thoughtless actions. I personally believe people disliked Camilla because she agreed to continue their secret affairs behind Diana's back. But there is no right or wrong when you love someone, love is inevitable. Prince Charles do in fact love Camilla, and its that unbreakable emotion that tied them together. Looks and age difference meant nothing to Prince Charles when it came to being with Camilla, and he proved to the world that "Love" means so much more than just a simple word.

  7. yes,  they always loved each other . poor Diana  he only married her to bear his heirs and went right on with Camilla

  8. "LOVE story?" LOL! The big eared dunce and the ugly witch whose face is indistinguishable from the back end of a bull; a match made in Heaven...or somewhere.

    No, I do NOT consider theirs to be a love story at all, rather a union between two totally amoral people who destroyed the life of a far worthier person than they will ever know or be; Diana.

    Charles treated her shamefully and Camilla egged him on to further her own ends. Both are horrors.

  9. Yuk

  10. No I would class Edward and Wallis Simpson as a love story at least he had the guts to stand by his woman and give up the throne for her.

    Charles and Camilla was an adulterous affair nothing more and they had to get married to save Charles reputation.

  11. not

    i call it the destruction of a beautiful swan named Diana

  12. No way!!!  I think it's nothing more than making themselves look respectable by marrying after all the years of infidelity!  Camilla very shrewdly hung in there all this time just knowing there would eventually be an opening for her and I don't think the people will ever really warm to her.  They still believe it's rude to be rude to royalty so they play along but for the most part she's not liked very much.  Infidelity and promiscuity should not be rewarded by making you a member of the Royal Family!!!

  13. Yes, he should have married her in the first place, but at the time the powers-that-be probably would not have allowed it. She was his first great love and I was actually happy when they finally got married.She is far better for Charles than Diana ever was and she a lot less manipulative and scheming than Diana was.

  14. I really believe that they made many mistakes during their relationship, but since they seem to be inseparable, who am I to judge them?

  15. Yes I do. He finally got the love of his life. who wouldn't call that a love true love story.

  16. no way,camille is a home wrecker,and charles only thinks about himself,he is disgusting!!!!!!!!!!!! this is for daniel w. camille was married at the time and charles married Diana,and still carried on with the manipulative,camille.Princess Diana was a graceful Lady unlike that old hag camille,so "the powers that be" killed Diana,so that s***k camille could marry charles.You dont know c**p!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I think they have very low morals and made a big mistake from the beginning. But I do think that they are well suited for each other.

  18. How can any of us know what is in another person's heart? Charles and Camilla are very happy now, and obviously have been for many years. I wonder why we seem to have this habit of calling certain realtionships "great love stories" when the people involved are in the public eye? There are many great love stories being lived out in the world, and we'll never know about them because the people are not famous.

    I'm sure there are lots of more important things than labelling other people's realtionships .

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