
Would you consider a Muse a human spirit or angel or what?

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Is it in a category of it's own?




  1. if anything i'd say its closest to a spirit. but almost just like a presence that can't be explained.

  2. My aspect of it is this, a muses are daughters of a God & Goddess.  

    They wouldn't be angels, but a "theatrical" spirit.

    So, they would be in a class of their own.

    They are the nine daughters of Zeus & Mnemosyne.

  3. From Wikipedia:

    "In Greek mythology, the Muses (Greek Μοῦσαι, Mousai: perhaps from the Proto-Indo-European root *men- 'think') are a sisterhood of goddesses or spirits, their number set at nine by Classical times, who embody the arts and inspire the creation process with their graces through remembered and improvised song and stage, writing, traditional music, and dance. They were water nymphs, associated with the springs of Helicon and with Pieris, from which they are sometimes called the Pierides. The Olympian system set Apollo as their leader, Apollon Mousagetēs. Not only are the Muses explicitly used in modern English to refer to an inspiration, as when one cites his/her own artistic muse, but they are also implicit in the words 'amuse' or 'musing upon' "

  4. Something less then a god and more then a spirit.  Possibly a lessor god or an angle like being.  They are givers.  When I first saw a  muse I mistook her for a spirit guide.  They are playful and a little like tricksters.

  5. Maybe a special kind of angel, one who brings creativity and inspiration to all the artists?

  6. man and a mouse are bouth living being and as I see then they bouth have spirit .....joust that the mous didn't came there yet ....or could be opposit....everithing is relativ...

  7. a muse is whatever your inspiration is like the color pink, cameras, popcorn, leaves, your dog, whatever inspires you.

  8. I guess its up to the person, in what they feel, and their connection..alot of people have spirit guides, some have  muses, and some have a connection with angels...Me personally, i have a connection with angels...

  9. a kind of spirit, but taking really arbitrary forms.

  10. I tend to think of it as a [far too seldom] direct communication with the higher-self.

    But I take the view we're mainly spiritual beings with a toe-hold in a physical reality, rather than otherwise [the 'I' we sense being the toe].

    Edit:  Deenie:  The how many 'me's' are there? is maybe a lot deeper question than you imagine.  If 'you' are a finger-puppet of your higher self it's entirely possible that higher self has a lot more finger-puppets you aren't aware of.

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