
Would you consider being cut up and eaten by Vultures, as opposed to US traditional funerals?

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This is a custom of some Tibetan tribes as I've discovered watching a show on the Science Channel this evening. If nothing else, the custom is interesting and only family members and certain others can be present at the ceremony. We are all recycled into the Earth one way or another but this way is ecological and faster.




  1. i dont really care what happens to me once im dead.. i mean go ahead and burn me, rape me, feed me to vultures.. im dead.. i dont care.

  2. just a cremation will do, i just hope they make sure i'm dead, before sending me into the oven, lol

  3. OMG !!!! when you you talk all lovey-dovey like that it makes my head spin !

    How about just throwing me overboard in lake. The fish can eat me, I can dissolve into the water, evaporate and rain & nurture my garden and rain on other people's parade.

    That's what they get for not inviting me!

  4. No I want to be cremated and have my ashes given to medical science.  Oh wait, I want to be given to medical science then be cremated and have my ashes spread in a beautiful garden.  I am quite contrary.

  5. OMFG i watched that too, that was insane, whatever your religion is that was... incredible and the way the narrator put it it didnt seem TOO bad, better than being eaten by worms

    at any rate that was interesting

  6. Honestly that would be find by me, if it was the custom. Here in the US that would be illegal. Thats why When my time come close i plan to take one last hike and just never come back. I will ask that my family morns my memory, where i am still alive, rather than a box in the grounnd. Just another way to waist resourses and for the corparatios to make money. Just about everything in modern sociaty is apart of a massive consperacy created in the time of G. Washington and kept going through the years.

    Viva la American Revolucion!  its time for more change then a simple election can provide.

  7. "We are all recycled into the Earth one way or another but this way is ecological and faster"

    so yes!

  8. I have always said that when I die I wish my body could just be thrown into the woods so it could decompose naturally instead of being sealed into some coffin for years and years.  People say that animals and bugs would eat my body, but who cares?  I am obviously done using my body if I am dead.  I would rather just have my body's energy released and put back into circulation faster.  So bring on the vultures....

  9. My love for vultures aside, they would have to like ashes since our tradition is cremation. This question caught my eye because we were at Magazine Mountain Arkansas the other day watching the turkey vultures soar just off the edge of the bluff and I made the statement that I would gladly trade eating roadkill for the ability to soar like those beautiful, essential birds. Buzzards Rock! peace

  10. I would do this if my children weren't present and everyone I disliked would be present. I would love to have my funeral as a cause of nightmares, etc.

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