
Would you consider fishing animal cruelty?

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Would you consider it or not?




  1. No it is not animal cruelty but a wonderful source of food to feed people.

  2. No, it's fun =D! Except when like a hook goes through the eye or something like that, I hate having to pull it out =[

  3. Of course fishing is animal cruelty.

    Fish don't like being hauled out of the water and sliced open.

    Fish feel pain too!

    [edit] @KitKat- does meat make you angry? Sheesh! Calm down.

  4. lol you should have seen me trying to work out the question, i was wondering how you would "fish" animal cruelty.

    and no i love fishing, but then again we raise out own rabbits ducks goats and poultry and kill them all ourselves, so in many peoples books on yah i would be satans spawn.

    and it's not cruel, we have to eat and they just happen to be made of meat.

  5. There have been studies done saying that fish feel pain much

    like humans.  Years ago beating a dog was not considered cruel.  I defiantly consider  fishing animal cruelty.


    Everything is considered animal cruelty to you people. I eat meat and I sleep like a baby because guess what? It's natural. I'll eat meat in front of you if I could and I wouldn't feel guilty because I have every right to. I don't fish but with all the problems in the world, fish aren't one of them.

    Don't worry obessive animals lovers, I won't go outside because I might step on a poor little ant. I love animals dearly, but come on!

    Good day.

  7. well of course yes even though we dont keep them as pets like cats and dogs i stil eat fish and im trying to give it up to become a real vegetarian and dont take that pescatarian cop out label because i think its ludacris i know the seas are depleting and it can cause and eco-threat

  8. We are avid fishermen in this family, What would be cruel about fishing?  The fish has no feeling in their mouths & it's not like we torture them by letting them suffocate.  We whack them on the head & their dead!


    OH Please!!!

    Fish do not have the brain pan needed to feel pain.  The are born, they swim, they eat, they mate, they die either by being caught by humans or other animals & birds.

    Stop watching cartoons where fish talk.  They are not an intelligent enough animal to even think.  They live by instinct alone.  They do not think or reason, they just do what their DNA tells them to do.  Stop giving them credit for even a tiny bit of intelligence.


    In regard to the Dr. Hopkins article, WHAT DRIVEL!  Unless these people have been fish or slaughtered, how do they know if they feel pain or not?  That was an article with no proven facts, only typical scientific theory & as we all know scientists base EVERYTHING on theory, because a theory CANNOT be proven.

    Do you know how many far out theories I could come up with if I was paid enough?  And NOBODY could prove me wrong.


    Why do you people get nasty & start casting aspersions on others when all we are doing is asking for you to prove fishing is cruel. Do not base your opinions on conjecture, show me proof that your argument is in fact more.

    Why all of the sudden is everything animal cruelty?  People have been killing & eating animals since the dawn of time.  Who has decided that it is now wrong?

    Facts people NOT conjecture.....


    Once again your articles do not wash LadyJ.  I have seen dogs that roll around & wipe their mouths on the ground after getting cow p**p in their mouth & I think we can all be quite certain that the cow p**p was not causing the dog pain.  Or what about people who taste something that is disgusting?  They spit & sputter & wipe their mouths & try to get the offending taste out of their mouths, but they are not in pain.  Perhaps fish merely have the sense of taste.

  9. Every time I see a Grizzley bear catch a salmon (on TV) I shudder. Those cruel Grizzlies aren't humane at all. Someone should do something. I think I might try and organize a protest.

  10. Yes. Fish have concerntrated nerves around their mouths if you're using a hook, and they're taken needlessly from their natural habitat and either suffocated or stabbed or however you kill them.

    Before I was aware of these issues, I used to fish, and I can't even think of it now without getting upset. I can't believe I ever participated in it.

  11. Yes I do. I think suffocating in a net out of your natural environment sounds painful, being hooked in the mouth, being bludgeoned with heavy objects, being thrown back dying into the ocean all sounds painful. Fish do have nervous systems they can feel pain, regardless of whether they are cuddly or not. Also fishing inadvertently kills thousand of other unintended non-marketable sea creatures, those animals which can't be sold are termed by catch, they are usually thrown back into the ocean dead or dying. For some industries the ratio of bycatch to product is 97% that is billions of tonnes of fish. Also current fishing methods are unsustainable. We are fishing faster than the oceans can provide. Fishing also hurts the environment, churning up and destroying sea floors, increasing water turbidity, leaving unwanted tangled nets to trap and kill sea creatures, taking food sources from other animals. Yes, fishing hurts the fish being caught, other animals and the environment.

  12. No I don't. It's a form of hunting and we evolved to do that.

    We did not evolve to graze, we are built the wrong way for that.

    Personally I don't see the point of going fishing if you are not going to eat the result though, just seems like a total waste of time.

    Edit and in case you are wondering- yes I would kill a cow or pig for myself - it's perfectly natural.

  13. Yes. Fish feel pain when they're impaled, crushed, suffocated, or sliced open and gutted, all while they're fully conscious. The European Union includes fish in its cruelty-to-animals statute.

    Dr. Tom Hopkins, professor of marine science at the University of Alabama, says that the pain a fish feels when he/she is hooked is "like dentistry without Novocaine, drilling into exposed areas."

    To Blue Sage Badger:

    We know that other animals feel pain in the same way that we know that other human beings feel pain. We don't need words to understand the suffering of a famine victim whose language we don't understand. Through their physical reactions, we try to infer the pain of other human beings, even though we can never ascertain it with absolute certainty.

    We know how we ourselves react to situations that cause us pain. When other animals (or other humans) are subjected to these same conditions, they exhibit the same physical responses that we do.

    Regardless of what we might think about the alleged superiority of humans over animals in all other areas, when it comes to the ability to feel pain and suffering, other animals will forever be our equals.

  14. Yes, just as I would consider it cruel if someone jabbed me through the cheek with a sharp object and then suffocated me.

  15. YES IT BLOODY IS!!!!!!

    How can it not be cruel!? Fish have feelings too! =[

  16. Take a piece of cake and put a really sharp object into it.  Then shut your mouth as hard and as fast as you can down on the cake...or worse, do that to somebody else.

    You better believe it cruel.  The only way I could see it being alright is if you live in a 3rd world country and you have no other choice.  We have plenty of other choices.

    All of you fisherman can just watch Nascar...or drink beer from mason jars.

  17. Yes.  All commercial animal production is cruel and causes unnecessary suffering to the animal.

    If a person wants to go out and catch a fish and eat it, though, that's his business.  But with all the polution in the oceans, I wouldn't.

  18. Yes. Fish get a hook stuck in their throats. Then they are pulled out of the water where they can't breathe. Then their heads are cut off and their internal organs torn out, sometimes while they are still alive.

    How can that not be cruel?

  19. Not

  20. Yes, i believe it cruelty ecspecially if you can just buy it.. (even that is bad)..   its even more of a slap in the face if your a fatso doing it.

  21. Fishing is not animal cruelty

  22. If you are a true vegan - eating only vegetables, fruits and grains, then you probably think fishing is animal cruelty. Some vegetarians think killing any animals is cruel and yet many of them still use butter and eat eggs.

    If you are going to take the life of a fish, or any animal, for the purpose of eating it, any pain that it feels comes with the territory. After all, we, as humans, are on the top of the food chain.

    Do you have a problem with a brown bear fishing for salmon? It's really not much different. It's called survival of the fittest.

  23. YES

  24. Yes I think it's cruel. I believe fish feel pain.

  25. Yes I do.

    From basic biology, I understand that humans and fish don't breathe in the same way. So, taking them out of their element (water) and allowing them to die a slow death by not breathing in an environment in which they are familiar is cruel.

    I look at it this way: in trading places with the fish, would I like to die a death by being drowned? Making them "breathe our air" is like us "breathing their air". Painful. Not fun!

  26. I would consider it to be, yes.

    According to

    "What they found was that the fish had 58 such receptors around the mouth and actually reacted at lower levels of pain stimulation then humans, perhaps because their skin is more easily damaged. After the fish were injected with the venom they were observed to show a rocking motion akin to that displayed by other mammals when experiencing stress; they also rubbed their lips on the bottom of the tank and against the walls, and took over twice as long to resume feeding then a control group. The study, which was led by Dr Lynne Sneddon of Liverpool University concluded:

    'Administration of noxious substances to the lips of the trout affected both the physiology and the behaviour of the animal and resulted in a significant increase in opercular beat rate and the time taken to resume feeding, as well as anomalous behaviours. The results of the present study demonstrate nociception and suggest that noxious stimulation in the rainbow trout has adverse behavioural and physiological effects. This fulfils the criteria for animal pain.'

    In short, they felt pain and reacted to it."

    This article recalls more than 1 study (using scientific methodology) and explains why, in scientific terms, fish do, in fact, feel pain. If you feel like reading more, this is a good one too:

    There is controversy over whether the 'pain' fish feel mean anything. One gentleman said something along the lines of people in vegetative states having the same reaction to stimuli that usually cause pain but he says they are still unaware. So, if a fish and a vegitative person are the same in this regard, well nvm, what I would say next would be too controversial = )

  27. good question. yes, i think it is animal cruelty. no need to take the poor fish out of its natural habitat just because you want it for dinner...

    and to those who say fish can't feel pain, yes, they can extremely feel pain. Studies have shown that factory-farmed fish are in a lot of pain when they go through all the procedures, and same for fish you catch while going fishing. I have never gone fishing, and I never will.


  28. I guess if I caught Nemo, or the little Mermaid, but otherwise no.

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