
Would you consider it more dangerous...?

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To ride a moped/motorcycle, or a road bicycle as a method of transportaion on the roads?




  1. No motorcycle, moped or pushbike have ever killed or injured a human being, they are not dangerous, it's the wankers that ride them that are.

  2. Im saving up for a Kawasaki Ninja and kept being told by my mom that a moped would be easier.. i just said "one way or another, a head on with a semi would kill me".

    i feel pretty bad now that i said that too her, but both are equally dangerous.

  3. I can see the bicycle as being more dangerous.,,,,,,,,,,,,

  4. They're all dangerous! Car drivers just don't see you .

    Bicycle is probably the worst, because you are least visible and travelling slowest on a bike.

    Moped/scooter would be next, they have trouble keeping up with traffic, and are quiet.

    A proper motorcycle is probably the safest way to ride on the road, because you are more visible and louder (loud pipes save lives!), and you can get in front of the cars and stay away from them.

    Regardless of all of this, it is definitely best to ride as if each and every car on the road is deliberately trying to kill you. Stay as far away from them as possible, and watch them like a hawk.

    You can have loud pipes blaring, your lights on high beam and purposely be riding so they can see you n all their mirrors, and then a driver will just smash right into you.

    It's happened to three people I know, and when I was a little kid I watched a man die in front of a local fish and chip shop when a car pulled out right in front of him.

  5. Really all of the above but I would pick the bicycle....

  6. I would prefer a bicycle.

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