
Would you consider me a decent golfer?

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ok, i just took lessons all of this winter and got new nike sasquatch irons so i am still getting used to my new game. since i can't really give you scores except from last year, i'll just let you know a few different things about my game... first of all i am a freshman in high school, 5'5". anyways, i drive the ball on average 230-240 yards, usually straight or just off of the fairway. my 6 iron goes around 160 yds, 8 iron 140, PW 120... i usually get around 32 putts in a round, and my chips are fairly close, but they could be better. i really want to get a scholarship in golf, so im hoping i can get one.. by the way, just in case you were wondering about my scores from last year (last year i didn't take lessons and wasn't hitting the ball very solid), i shot an 83 at both sectionals and regionals, and a 78 at another tournament. do u think i have a chance at getting a scholarship to a division 1 school by the time im a senior? (by the way, grades are good, im 1st in my class)




  1. tremendous talent  , your grades are there , your scores are solid and will improve .you are ready for division one when you graduate , please try for university of british colombia canada they have fantastic facilities and great education . i dont mean to offended you , but women because of more flexability , do suffer left wrist breakdown on chips and putts . maybe try few drills with left wrist flat  past impact . i hope you dont take this as a insult , it is because women are more flexiable , in this case , a fault . easily overcome . you have your schlarship in hand congratulations . you have a great future , with a great future . well done

  2. Most golfers cant break 90.

  3. Let me hit you with some knowledge about this subject:

    In order for you to get a scholarship to a D1 school, you need to be recognized as a unique talent that has the potential to win a major collegiate tournament containing at least 400 scratch to plus handicaps.  Depending on what area you come from, and what schools are near you, you have to get some press.  Its pretty hard to be noticed if nobody is looking.  For you to have a reasonable shot at a full ride scholarship, again depending on where you live, you need to win your school's league title, make it to the state championships and do well there.  Then you need to impress the scouts with your talent, social skills, and grades.  You need to show them that if they dont offer you a scholarship, another big school will.  No offense, but they dont just give full rides away, especially at D1 schools.  Trust me, I had to go through the same thing...  It was hard, but I ended up with 1/2 ride, and I won my league 3 straight years in highschool with a 4.0 gpa.   Good luck, I hope it works for ya..

  4. I would say you have an excellent chance. Just work on keeping it in the fairway and you will see your scores come down. Also, keep practicing your putting and approach shots.

  5. Sounds like you're doing pretty well for a freshman.  Keep working at it and keep your grades up and  you should be able to get a scholarship by the time you are a senior.

  6. Your scores and ability seem to be amazing, and don't take this the wrong way, but women's golf is not a high priority in college scholarships, my daughter is a junior, with a registered handicap of 2, and I am having a hard time getting her recognized right now. Yor GPA is what will influence the scholarship proceedings. Try Duke, OU, or Notre Dame, I have visited with all 3, and all have a GREAT women's golf program, but just like men's gymnastics, women's golf takes a back seat, unfortunately.

  7. I played for 12 years and that was about as good as I ever got in that time.  Actually I never broke 80 for 18, although I did break 40 for 9 a few times.  I wish I had half that athletic talent.

    You're pretty good, and it helps that you're a girl.  There were a few girls on the women's golf team at my college that can barely break 90, and this is an SEC school (they suck though, most SEC schools have players that break 80).  So you could possibly get a scholarship if you improve your game some.  I don't think you're quite there, but if you improved that much in such a short time I think it's very possible for you to make it.

  8. that is pretty good, better than me

  9. sounds like you know you're good enough. sounds like you're bragging to me. just keep practicing and work on the putting and you could be on the LPGA

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