
Would you consider me overweight???

by  |  earlier

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some guys in my grade make fun of me and say im fat and my parents are always trying to put me on a diet and i dont see my self as that overweight

like i know im heavier than the other girls and im not a stick thin girl

but i was jsut wondering am i not seeing what other people see

like am i really over weight

please no mean comments jsut let me know

thanks so much




  1. You are beautiful honey.  Don't believe other immature guys.  Chances are they secretly want you to like them.  Boys are dumb in that sense...

  2. I honestly do not think you are overweight, I don't see how those guys in your grade make fun of you, and I don't see how your parents are trying to put you on a diet, I think you are average.

  3. Try checking your body mass index.  If it is over 32, you are at risk for being obese or are already obese.  I am obese.  I have a body mass index of 37, and I weigh about 180.  

  4. No you're not fat.  You should try and always eat healthy as a general principle, it will help you to stay in this habit later in life, but you do not need to go on a diet to lose weight.  You are fine as you are.

  5. No. Would YOU consider yourself overweight?

  6. No not at all! You have a stomach unlike a lot of other girls, if you want to make yourself look a little thinner that bad then just do like a couple sit ups a day for like a month. But no you are not overweight. But definitely do not go on a Crazy diet, or take pills or anything, do it the normal safe way, eat healthy, and exercise

    I hope this Helps!

  7. Your not really fat, your actually the size you should be. Being too skinny might be bad. Some skinny girls are sometimes really ugly when their bones are showing.I think your normal and I think your pretty too =3

  8. wtf?!!?!? ur not fat wtf r ur parents and ur classmates saying u look fine!

  9. Don't listen. Your beautiful.  I have 3 kids and started at age 15. Never had a shape like that.  I would pay good money for it though.  Ignore it

  10. You look great! Guys can be rude, especially if it bugs you; and they are too lacking in social skills to talk to you as a person.

    And I hope your parents don't consider you overweight.  Hopefully they are only trying to get you to eat more healthy; good nutrition is a habit to cultivate.  That nice figure won't last for ever! : )

  11. You are not fat!  

  12. girl listen hun. i used to weigh 205 pounds now i am 115 pounds. fat is just a word that everyone uses too much. all you got is a lil weigh gain in the stomach. it is called baby fat. every teenager goes through it. i did big time. at age 11 i was 96, by age 18 i was 205. yeah i was embarassed, but i love my self the way i am. but i lost the weight quickly. all teens go through it. just do sit ups and crunches at bed time before you go to bed and some squats. your body will be fit in no time...

  13. no

  14. you arent fat.

    your parents are kinda cruel for trying to make you diet and the boys in your grade are obviously immature and have no idea what they are talking about.

    If you are comfortable in your skin, then thats all that really matters.. dont let anyone make you feel like your not good enough.

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