
Would you consider participation in an "arena of death" pitting GW believers and disbelievers?

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Roman style.




  1. Absolutely!  Given the stereotypes, we'd stomp the AGW believers into the earth....and reduce the global more whiners, less CO2 emissions.  It's a win-win.  If you aren't willing to fight and die for your beliefs, you better watch who you spout them off to...

  2. I'd rather have a civilized discussion/debate, unlike here, where I've been called stupid and ignorant for not believing in the hype that is GW and AGW.

  3. Absolutely not. That is barbaric.

  4. I'm sure the disbelievers would be more efficient in the arena of killing since they seem to disregard the larger context beyond themselves.

    The global warming believer would hesitate wondering if indeed it is wrong to actually kill another human being no matter how wrong they were and *BLAM* that would be it.

    In short the answer is no I would not consider it as it is obviously not a mature way to death with almost any issue one might have.

  5. Maybe a new video game perhaps?Could be fun if you created the right weapons.

  6. Why risk my life when I'm already winning with logic and data?

  7. It would be a slaughter. tens of thousands of climate experts versus three or four energy company employees.

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