
Would you consider someone that would remove the question "why are liberals so sensitive?" a cry baby?

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Would you consider someone that would remove the question "why are liberals so sensitive?" a cry baby?




  1. You must have hit a sensitive spot.

  2. Yes. Liberalism is a disease.

  3. no but its kind of funny because they proved you right... actually yeah I would consider them a cry baby

  4. My guess is that a liberal reported you.

    Point proven.

  5. What do you mean by "sensitive"? Calling people names because you don't agree with them isn't mature and that's likey the reason the question was removed. We're not all going to see things the same way or have the same opinions. That does not mean people who don't share your opinions are stupid. People see the world differently because they have had different life experiences than yours. They belong to a different religion, they come from another culture, they have had different levels of education, they are a different age, they are not the same race, and they are not the same s*x nor have the same sexual orientation. All these factors are a major influence on how people see the world.

  6. yes

  7. Yes. Yes I would.

  8. Worse.  That person would be a proponent of censorship - a very bad trait.

  9. I think people take this forum way too seriously. And it takes 2 reports to have the question removed. It happens on both sides and if you can't acknowledge that, you don't spend much time here.

  10. Pretty much.

    But anytime you make a blanket statement about an entire group of people it's immediately suspect.

    All liberals are not overly sensitive.

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