
Would you consider this abusive?

by  |  earlier

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If you were in a fight with your boyfriend and you were sitting, leaning against a car and he put his hand over your neck, like pushing your neck into the car so you can't really move would you consider this abusive?

I'm having a debate with someone right now and they said it "doesn't count as hitting" so it isn't being abusive. I think it does count as hitting and it's very abusive because it shows that the guy is trying to feel like he has power over the girl.

What do you think? Is it abusive? Can it be considered hitting?




  1. h**l nowadays telling a girl that shes a fat cow and lazy is considered abusive by definition, even if you whisper it, so i would think forcing someone into a car is abusive.... but i wonder how the fight started and what was the girl in question saying to provoke the guy to acting foolish, but my guess is she was a helpless victim in an unprovoked attack by this crazy man.... i notice you had said he put is hands on the girls neck yet is not decribed as choking so is probably the back the neck and not as violent as most will take it to mean (i notice women and their clever word play to make everything seem worse than it is to gain sympathy) .....But to sum it up that can be abusive but without marks like bruises and cuts is all hearsay.. And i really would like to get the guys version before i find him guilty... because knowing women you probably forgot to mention you broke one of his windows or hit him with a blunt object or Cockblocked him from scoring  

  2. Yes. Abuse comes in many forms, some subtle.  A man that restrains you in anger is being abusive.

    If he can't respect you and talk to you like a mature equal in a conflict, and has to hold you down to feel like a "man," then he has anger issues and is being abusive towards you.  

    Here's a good definition with categories.  

  3. technically i wouldnt consider it hitting but it is an power issue he is tryin to over power her an make her bow to what he wants basically an yes that is very much abusive.  And i believe it would also be considered assault

  4. Basically since he is your boyfriend i dnt think he will like to hurt you,but if you were hurt by that you can tell him directly tht it hurts you.

    So tht he doesnt hurt you again .Have a nice day bye

  5. definitely abusive... abuse isn't always striking, punching or kicking.  It can also be touching in a threatening way, and intent to harm you- even if it is because of emotional stress, it's still abuse, and I'd run.  Though he may not intend it to, it could escalate into much worse abuse.  Don't chance it.

  6. Yes that's abusive! Anything that could harm you is abusive, and holding your neck against a car qualifies.

    I don't know what planet your friend comes from.

  7. Yes that's abuse. You don't have to hit someone to be abusive towards them, however to grab someone in anyway shape or form that causes the victim to feel pain, fear or humiliation is abuse.

  8. I'd say yes it is. I've been in an abusive relationship and the first time he ever did anything he grabbed my neck.  

  9. hitting isnt the only part of abusiveness. If a guy put his hand on my throat in anger, that is a no no n yes i consider abusive,..and leading somewhere ugly.

  10. Yes it is abuse. It is battery. Call the cops.  

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