
Would you consider this normal or not for a six year old little girl?

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My neighbors granddaughter that I babysit occasionally sometimes has bruises and/or scabs on her inner thighs up high near her "privates". She also tends to "please herself" down there by touching and rubbing it. I am very concerned about this and have mixed answers as to if it's normal for someone of such a young age to be doing that. I have questioned her about if anyone was touching her or hurting her, letting her know that it was okay to tell me and we'd make it stop, but she says no one does. What do you think??




  1. Not normal w/markings and bruising.  She is afraid, possibly, of what will happen if she tells you (an adult).

    Can you document the markings in a picture with others kids around, when she is wearing clothing/shorts? or swimsuit?  

    Just trying to think of a way that a confronted adult, can not deny it, or say the markings were never there, etc.

  2. This sounds like she's being sexually abused. There's no way she can get bruises on her inner thighs and v****a, by falling, rough play, etc. There's only one explanation- someone is holding her down and raping her. The bruising is coming from either her defending herself and being hit, or rough s*x. Of course she's going to deny being abused- either because the abuser has scared/guilted her into keeping her quiet or this is a person close to her and doesnt want him/her to go to jail. Keep an eye on her and if you see any bruises etc write it down. Also look for the following signs; anxiety, being sexual, sudden outbursts of anger etc all those are signs of sexual abuse.

  3. I think that part of this is normal and part of it isn't:

    I think it's normal for her to be curious about how she feels when she touches it, I remember my little sister doing this and I know she is fine.

    What I don't think is normal is the fact that there are bruises etc. on her thighs.  I don't think someone at such a young age would be hurting themselves like that.  Keep a really good eye on her; it's great that you are concerned for her.

  4. This is not normal. Maybe you might like to talk to her parents on how they discipline their child. Some parents whip their children's bare genitals when they misbehave. It is definitely not normal. Maybe she rubs her p***y because it hurts, but is afraid to tell the truth.

  5. I wonder about the bruises/scabs that is not normal. Try asking the girl if she knows where they came from. The other thing you can do is take photos and contact authorities. She might be abused at home.

  6. I don't think that is normal at all. I would try to figure out what is going on at her home. That does not sound like normal behavior for a child her age. Maybe she just doesn't want to tell you because it's someone she's close to that does it to her and she doesn't know that it's wrong or something. Good sad  =(

  7. tell her she will get AIDS if she keeps doing that

  8. If you are even in the slightest bit worried, it really could be someone trying to tell you something. Report it.

  9. Is it school sores??

    I went into melt down when my son was 5yo. He was having a shower, and I noticed all these scabs. I FREAKED out. I felt like a failure parent. Doctor soon set me straight.

    As for the whole toughing, some kids do this. My eldest will often do this. He copies his father, so when his father readjusts himself, he will. I don't know how many times I have to tell my husband not to do it.

    While your baby sitting, is there any chance you can take her to the doctors? Most doctor (normal GP) will see children in your care (even if they aren't related).

    Or you could talk to the Grandparents. If you have concerns I'd be asking them, straight out.

  10. What are you waiting for? Report it! By waiting, you could let this torture happen for so many more days!

  11. My little boy is 5 and he started playing with himself a few months ago, as soon as he discovered it felt nice. I asked his dr about it and was told it was totally normal, and not to make him ashamed of it. So I just ask him to go somewhere private like his room if he feels the need to explore his body.

    I would be concerned about the bruises and scabs though. Kids fall and get hurt and get scratched up, but i'd press a little harder from her parents about how she got those marks there.

  12. The masturbation is normal, but not excessive masturbation, and at six, she would likely know better than to do it out in the open.  The scabs and bruising are definitely not normal.  I would ask your own pediatrician for advice about how to proceed.

  13. it is normal for children to touch themselves there either out of curiosity or pleasure but not normal if it is excessive... also absolutely not normal for her to have bruises or scabs in that area. did you ask her where the bruises came from? does her answer make sense or does she seem like she struggles for an answer? you are in a very difficult situation but too many of these cases go undealt with simply because people dont want to cause "trouble"  & then an innocent child has to continue to suffer through terrible abuse. i would call child protective services if i were you. i absolutely think you have a legitimate cause for concern so dont feel bad for trying to keep a child safe. good luck - i will pray for you & that little girl-

  14. The whole touching herself part is pretty normal..but the scabs are kind of weird.. i wouldn't ask her parents right away because then they probably wouldn't ever let you watch her again and that would be sad. I'd wait until you see her again to see if she has them..It could be bites from fleas, or even scabes if she continuously has them! Good luck.

  15. please please please report this to your local child care service this is not normal at all...and you dont want this to be blamed on you either like your fondling her please report it

  16. I think she might be covering up for a family member and i think you should tell the cops or child abuse patrol or somethin' like that. that's not right.why exactly does she touch her "private"? she might be getting raped or somethin' maybe HAVE to tell someone.

  17. As a mom of a 6 1/2 year old girl, I can tell you that this doesn't seem all.

  18. ask her grandmother.

    she may just be rubbing because the scabbs may bother her.

  19. I would be getting her checked. Some masturbation is normal but when done with bruises and things she needs to be checked. She may be too scared to say if someone is touching her and they usually threaten an action if they tell

  20. i used to work at a day care and there was this one baby girl that will lay down and please her self doing nap time it her care giver notice it around 7 to 9 months, her mom took her to the doctor and he said that it was normal it was the way she comforted herself to go to sleep she is 2 years old and she still dose it, but we was all aware of the situation, i left the job couple month ago, i am was shock because i have never seen something like that before, so it could be posible if she tell you that no one is touching her, but i will still investigate more about it her phisician should be aware if there is a problem with her. and your neighbor should also let you be aware if the child has that problem.

  21. That is a sure sign of abuse. If I were you I would notify social services.

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