
Would you consider this to be inflexible?

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Say you work at a place that is "constantly changing." For instance, you make your schedule for the day and then halfway through the day your boss gets an idea to do something and expects you to drop everything you're doing to work on it. Because you have to move everything else you had planned to do, it puts you in a sense of being in a "time crunch" and always working with a feeling of everything being last minute. Another example - you are told you will have Monday off, and you are told Sunday night at 9:00 PM to come in for half the day because something wasn't taken into account.

You talk to your boss, explaining your feelings and telling him you need to know a week in advance so you can schedule for such things, but the problem persists. When you bring it up again, you are told that is the nature of the organization - that it will always be changing. You are left with a sense that you should be fine with this, but aren't.

Does this mean you are inflexible and uncooperative?




  1. no...

  2. It sounds like thats the job. It won't change , if you don't like your job look for a new one. Alot of jobs are like this now, thats why most people are stressed out.

  3. No, it just means your boss is a d**k and he's trying to take advantage of you. That is from MY perspective, but there could be some truth to his "change is the nature of the organization." Either way, if you can't meet his demands, try finding another job that is as flexible as you are. You can still search while you have this job, just make sure to give your two weeks notice when you quit. (at least that's what its like in Canada) :P

    Good luck!

  4. maybe you are but that's fine. This type of job just might not be right for you. But I don't think I would appreciate being told I was off and then called to come in --- don't answer your phone or say you can't come in because you already have plans. You can stand up for yourself a little.

  5. No, but maybe you are in the wrong job.  Some folks ride well with sudden change, others don't.

  6. Neither.  Your boss sounds like he's taking the p**s.  There are other jobs out there where they say that you need to be "flexable" but they will normally ask you a week in advance, what shifts you can do and they don't change your shift at the last moment.  they will ask you beforehand or say, "Do you mind if..."  You need to get another job where your boss treats you with more respect.

  7. sounds like you work for the same place i do!  you have to prioritize.  my boss helped me out with this and it works wonders.  set a daily schedule, and stick to it.  there will be changes and/or additions, but they will most likely fit into one of your categories; example:

    9a -11a - complete yesterday's projects

    11a - 1p - check and reply to emails

    1p - 2p - lunch

    2p - 3p - make follow up calls

    3p - 5p - begin working on new projects

    not exactly like this, but it will help.  also, checking your email in the middle of the day will help you to feel less overwhelmed.

    overall, you must remember that you cannot do everything at once.  you will have to leave something for the next day.  so if your "completed project" time doesn't begin until your "begin working on new projects" time - so be it.  

    it'll work out.  try to be patient and work with a schedule.

    good luck!

  8. Your boss sounds like a very disorganized control freak. I have a boss like this. I think that using the "nature of the organization" excuse can only take them so far. I think it is poor management on his or her part. I do not think you are inflexible, but maybe just fed up with being dicked around by this idiot. I consider myself to be very flexible and dedicated to my job, but I cannot be as flexible when I feel my employer or boss isn't being respectful of my time by better managing the department's resources/staffing requirements.  If you are in California and were to quit or be fired, you would most likely qualify for unemployment because of their poor management.

  9. Absolutely not. Everybody deserves to have structure and a private life. I hate to say it but you really need another job. They aren't going to be fair with your time, they want your life to revolve around that job. I've had to do that with clients, let them know I don't shape shift. Unless you want to be shape shifter, find something else.

  10. That is how your superiors will view it but once the shuffling and last minute changes have been done and coordinated, you will be noticed for hanging in there and being a real Trooper. Bottom line, you are working for them, not the other way around. They owe you nothing in the way of favors. To them, you are part of the team or tool they use to advance their agenda. If you are unhappy, move on. They can replace you in a hear beat. Sorry, but that's the reality of the age we live in.

  11. I think you are in the same exact position I was in a few years ago. And yes, our company still changes, but those last minute things like that were due to a boss who was completely unorganized and incompetent. Also, if you have time off scheduled that should not be interrupted. Your boss should have the responsibility for covering for you. Never answer a call on your day off from him if he can't handle you being gone. Sounds like he is incompetent and taking advantage of you. Of course, people like him don't last long, which is why I am still where I am.

  12. It doesn't sound as if you are the one who is the problem here. It sounds as if your boss is disorganized and manipulative. A classic trick of manipulative people is to make others feel as if they are in the wrong when the opposite is really true ( and they are very well aware of this fact). From the sound of things, you'll either have to put up with this type of behavior or move on to a different job. Good luck.

  13. previously worked in such a place and it will drive you nuts!!

    scheduled time off is changed while you aren't there to see the schedule.

    each week the start time and end time is different so you show up for work at the wrong time,and it was your fault for not reading the schedule that was posted after you left work the day before.

    the manager had a problem...all Christians were scheduled to work on the week ends and the party people had the week ends off...(?)

    you are a good employee with an idiot for a boss...

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