
Would you consider yourself?

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Would you consider yourself a mom once you got pregnant? Or would you wait until the baby was born to call yourself Mom?




  1. It makes no difference if you care for your child inside or outside of your body.  You are a mother when you have a child - and a child is a child the second it exists - at conception.

  2. I did not consider myself a mom until baby was born. It's not even the same thing. I do consider the fetus to be a living child, and yes you should care for yourself and that baby in the womb, but it's night and day difference.

  3. No, I consider myself a mom because I have a child (pregnancy doesn't count).

  4. In my heart of hearts, I hope every pregnant woman is so excited and thrilled to be a mom that she calls herself a mommy and takes the role seriously  :-)

  5. Coming from a man, I consider you a mom if you are pregnant. This is because you are already doing things that ONLY a mother can do such as taking care of yourself and your baby inside you, which means staying away from smoking and alcohol, etc. Also, your body is going through changes that only mothers go through. And just because some people think your baby is not a person yet doesn’t mean that you’re not going through these motherly changes and feelings. You’re going through all this for the baby’s well-being.

  6. I say you are a mom when you get pregnant.  The only reason to not let yourself believe it, is fear of losing the baby.  For some people, especially those who've had a miscarriage, it's easier to wait until they have the baby to think of themselves as a mom.  I found out I was pregnant with baby #1 two days before mothers day.  My husband got me mothers day flowers.

  7. from the moment i knew i was preggers i knew that i loved my baby. i celebrated mother's day (even though only my dad and sister wished me happy mother's day...not even my hubby!) my MIL even said "your cheating!, you shouldn't celebrate until next year" she said it just joking lightheartedly, but it still hurt my baby had a heartbeat, could feel, cry, suck her thumb...if i had a miscarriage, i would mourn and have a funeral just as if she were already born.

    so yes, i consider anyone who is preggers a mom.

  8. i would call myself a soon to be mom until the baby is born

  9. If it's Mother's Day you get to call yourself a mom whenever you want!

  10. I considered myself a mom when I was pregnant because I was already in charge of taking care of my baby and making sure I ate healthy so he would be healthy.

  11. A person is not a parent until a child is born

  12. do you consider the person inside of you a fetus or a baby?

    if you consider it a fetus, then wait until he/she is born.

    if you consider it a baby, then you are a mom because you're having a baby.

    I would say "I'm going to be a mommy."  that says it all.

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