
Would you continue reading if this was the was the first chapter?

by  |  earlier

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At first glance one may have thought she was paying close attention. Her back was hunched over the keyboard fingers flying seemingly in time with her professors words, the occasional sifting of pages that looked to be notes. Warm hazel eyes would flit to the dry erase board at the front of the class before returning to the soft glow of her screen. The act even went as far as the raising her hand when a question was addressed to the class, or a snide remark regarding something said. Nonetheless all actions spoke of her rapt attention. But then again she was a good actress. Too bad she didn’t know she was acting.

“Alright class that’s it for today. Finish the reading and you might actually know what I’m talking about come Monday‘s quiz.” Sheepish groans mixed with the sound of bags being zipped closed as the professor dismissed the class and students made their exit.

Reluctantly Johanna closed her laptop and gently slid it into her bag as she stood. Grabbing the loose leaf pages from the table she attempted to put them in some semblance of order as she made her way to the door. She probably would have made it too were it not for the foot placed directly in her path. In a flurry of paper Johanna cursed as she fell hard on her hands and knees. She yelped as she felt a staple pierce the palm of her right hand. Shifting to sit on her butt she plucked the offending bit of metal from her flesh.

“Oh did you break a nail?” asked a bored voice above her.

“No but I sure as **** hope I broke your foot.” She snapped looking up. Honey brown eyes stared down at her and for a moment she thought she saw a flash of gold in them before they narrowed in contempt at her comment.

“You know ladies shouldn’t curse.”

Johanna began to gather her papers, shoving them haphazardly into her bag. “Yea well chivalry is obviously dead since a gentleman” she spoke the word like a curse as she rose to her feet, “ wouldn’t trip a lady and would’ve at least asked her if she was alright first after having done so. So thank you good sir for driving the final nail into the proverbial coffin of good manners.” In a huff she tried to exit the room a second time but was once again interrupted by that bored bass that was fast becoming annoying.

“A writer are we?”

Johanna froze for a moment then turned and stormed back towards him. She had intended to snatch the precious page from his hands but he stood holding it out of reach. Johanna didn’t realize it until she was standing directly in front of him straining to reach it just how tall he was. It was rare that her five feet ten inches felt short and yet she realized she barely came to his chin. “What is your problem?” she demanded stepping back and crossing her arms over her chest.

“Hmmm, that depends.” he smirked. Although she didn’t know him enough to properly read the action that smirk said he was about to do something evil.

“Depends on what?”

He glanced up at the page he still held high above her. “On the way ’She gasped as his hands slid sensuously over her bare skin. He reached up to tangle-”

Johanna lunged for him. “Give that back!”

“-his fingers in her hair forcing her to arch against him. He nipped her throat with perfect teeth before gently suckling the spot and she rewarded him with a moan. She pressed-” he was cut off as Johanna was finally able to pull the page from his grasp. She crammed it into her bag snapping it securely closed. He chuckled only succeeding in further infuriating her. “So is that why you looked so busy this entire class? I suppose a bit of s**t is much more entertaining than Topics in Classical Mythology.”




  1. Yes, I would. Very nice.

  2. ya its good. it leaves a few questions about what is going to happen

    whats it about? are they like immortal or reincarnated?

    "That’s what she reminded him of. “Looks like we’ll have more fun this time around.” "

  3. Yes, descriptive and a natural lead.

  4. well : yes I would read the next page if it continues but first

    knowing about Books & Authors whom has written an Novel

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  5. Of course right now i'm loving it.  it seems like he's known he before like he's immortal? or something.  I would definitely read it though!

  6. yeah. i want to read more lol

  7. Absolutely! This is REALLY great. You have extraordinary talent. I love it so far. If the story turns out to be supernatural, I'd be a little disappointed simply because it's not my genre, but I love the first chapter regardless. Do you mind my asking your age? This is superb though. Keep up the amazing work.

  8. i like it...i'd read it, in a year or two, but yeah. i love paranormle  minus deamons, vamps and werewolves! it sounds awasome, you have a real gift. good luck, and let me know when you write more, i'm hooked!

  9. definetly , its really good

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