I came into a win fall of $48,000 a few months ago, I paid off all my credit card debt and bought a small boat and still netted $20,000 which I put in a CD earning 4%. I have $25,000 in lines of credit with 2 credit cards and no balance. I still have a $18,000 home equity loan I pay, this is my only debt, the original term was 7% over 15 years. My CD matures in September and I will be lucky if I get 3% on new terms. My question is I like the safety net of the $20k in liquid able assets yet I only get about $74.00 a month in interest yet I pay $189.00 per month in my Home Equity loan. Would you take the remaining $20K and pay off the Home Equity and lose that sense of security of having $20k to back you up? Would you rely on paid off credit cards with a combined line of $25k as your safety net? Finally , if I keep the 20k in various CDs and continue to pay the Home Equity loan in about 14 years the 20k will be mine fully…. What are your opinions?