
Would you dance at a party if you were 14 and everyone was <span title="16?????????????????????????????????????????????????">16???????????????????????...</span>

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im going to my friends party and shes turning 16

its like at night at a restaurant and its dinner and dancing

i dont know if im going to be forced to go on the dancefloor..i probably will.

there are going to be 100 people. do you think everyone is going to be dancing?

i dont know anyone there..and my friend whos the birthday girl said i could hang out with her and some of her friend that i met. but i barely know them.

and i dont know if im going to be like abandoned because shes the birthday girl and shes probably going to be around a lot..and i dont want to like follow her and annoy her

what do i do..i cant not go because me and my friend have been talking about it for a long time and shes my closest friend. and i already got a present and an outfit

would you dance, honestly? if you were 14 and your friend was 16 and you were with her friends who you've met once and you didnt know any of her other friends. and there were 100 people

and what do you think i should do about this situation? i just have no idea what to expect and what its going to be like. and i dont want to end up being really intimidated and following my friend and annoying her. and she doesnt have room for me to bring one of my friends..




  1. Angel -

    Parties are to enjoy and have fun at.  Don&#039;t stress so much.  Be yourself and let the music take you.

  2. I would dance. Dancing is fun. Since you don&#039;t know anyone this is going to be a great opportunity for you to get to know some other people. Take advantage of it. Since it&#039;s at a restaurant you shouldn&#039;t have to worry about whether or not you&#039;ll be forced to drink or be pressured into anything that you don&#039;t want to do. (I know you didn&#039;t ask about that.)

    Just relax and enjoy your time. There&#039;s not rule that says you can&#039;t duck out early if you&#039;re not having fun.  

    Good Luck!

  3. if your going to the party for your friend it shouldn&#039;t matter how old you are! Just have a good time and yes if you want to dance but if you don&#039;t want to then don&#039;t! Its that simple!                                                              Hope this helped!

  4. you&#039;ll be dragged on the floor. be careful. just dont be too flirtatious and you should be ok. Just be cool. i Honestly if i were a girl. would stay away from that. thats 2 years your like an 8th grader\freshman and there like jrs. thats a bit of a step. they have a bunch of expierience. i am not saying dont go just use discression on how you go about the dancing deal and whatnot,

    just be yourself and just be careful

  5. Of course you should go.  And yes you should dance. Once you start you won&#039;t wanna stop.

    Enjoy yourself and be friendly and all will go well....unless you are like me that is (big feet that tromp on anyone and everyone while dancing).


  7. honestly if i was going to a party with 100 people and i only knew 1 of them and they where all 2 years older then me i probably wouldn&#039;t go but if she&#039;s really your friend she&#039;d look out for you under the circumstances just hang around her and if you get the impression that you&#039;re annoying her just back off slightly and maybe try get to know her friends.

  8. grow a pair


    cuz if u dont, youll just look back and wish u had. trust me

  9. yeah man the they would dig if ur really cute or somethin

  10. hey sorry didn&#039;t read the whole thing but if it&#039;s only dancing AND ONLY dancing then why not :D  

  11. Haha one of my friends were just in this situation.  I was at a sweet 16 and everyone was 16, she was 14.  She sat there for 4 hours at a table with her family.  I waved her to come up a couple times but she never did.  The eventually, I waved and shoke my head, and she came.  She told me she wanted to leave so badly the whole time, but the next day I asked her if it was worth staying, she said yes :).

    So yeah, I would say dance as long as you know someone there.

  12. Ask if you can bring one of your friends.

    I know it&#039;s lying but you could tell her that you kinda have to bring a friend Cuz her parents are out of town, so that way even if she does abandon you you could still have some one

  13. Dance girl!!

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