
Would you date me with out seeing any pics ?

by  |  earlier

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i'm not going to post any pictures because i don't have any

i'm 17 male

5' 9''

short brown hair

i wear glases but i have hazel eyes

i'm catholic and a virgin to boot

currently i'm a senior in highschool and I live in New Jearsy

im sweet, funney(sometimes my humor gets me into trouble) sensitive loyal, fun to be around, but i'm shy

I don't drink, or smoke or do drugs, and i'm loseing my virginity until marriage

if i sound like your type let me know




  1. no i probably wouldn't cuz blah blah blah internet stalkers and stuff  

  2. If I were 17 I'd be head over heels for a guy like you.

  3. You sound very sweet, perfect Girl

    Its good to have morals and believes

    best of luck  

  4. Being a catholic virgin isn't a redeeming quality.

    I bet you'd rag on a girl that smoked in front of you as well.

  5. Honestly, People ALWAYS base relationships partially on looks, no one wants to say it but they do.

    All the people who say otherwise guarantee you will never see them with a bf/gf that is hideous.

    It's the nature of the beast and people may not want to be honest with themselves and you can call people like me shallow but I'm not I'm simply HONEST!

  6. you shouldn't look for the person of your dreams on yahoo answers...go to eharmony, or go bother girls on myspace.

    also no one will date you without meeting you.  picture or no picture.

  7. i don't care how you look because  the look isn't the most importan for me but if i look for your features i wolud say Yes you're definitely in my type and I like especially this part where you wrote that you don't smoke, drink or do a drugs but there is just one think why i wouldn;t date you:i'm older than you like 1 year

  8. i would if i lived were you live but im from england sorry xx oh good luck hope you find sum1

  9. Well, I'm much much older then you and already married.  But you seem together.  The reason people want photos is not because your outside matters, but if you're not attractive to someone , you're just not attractive to them  

  10. you sound cute.....yeah. i would. a date is just about getting to know the person. why fear it.  

  11. I would, seem like I cool guy,...but I think you should look at people in your school.

  12. sweet funny sensetive is so cliche, cant you think of anything else

  13. id totalllyyy date youuu(:

    you're like, exactly like meee(;

    im catholic i have brown hair.

    i dont drink or smoke.

    im saving for marriage.

    shy, but when im with my good friends im fun to be around(:

    what a coincidence hehe[;

    you sound like my dream guyyy :D


  14. Well the only reason not a girl see its because you donta have pic...Hello girls LOVE  handsomes,with big (...)(u know) and in style...Or just  the beatiful ones...Because if they were looking something else then they would kick their men from home because of the big broken car they have in their mouth...ANw the answer is NO

  15. ppl can be super cool and not look good. so no i wouldnt date a guy unless i see him and how he looks

  16. haha, i love how you get in trouble because of being funnyy:D

  17. you seem really nice, its nice to hear that you dont get dragged in to what everyone else is doing such as drugs s*x and smoking i'm the same as u still a virgin don't do drugs , drink or smoke :)  

  18. no i would not date you

  19. Maybe someone would.

    You sound like a nice guy to me. :]

  20. terrible spelling is a turn off. most girls like intelligent guys who at least use spell check before posting a question.  

  21. Dude. I won't answer that, but this is NOT a DATING SITE!!!

  22. Sounds about right :D l0l

  23. Nah, not allowed to, the whole statutory relationship thing, ya know?

    Not right.  

  24. yeh  im christian, virgin an waiting till marriage, im nearly 16 (is that too young) im tall brown hair kinda tanned (my pics on my 360 ) lol u sound perfecto

  25. no. I've dated girls without the pic, and become disappointed with what I saw, even with a detailed description of yourself. I know ppl put an old foto of themselves and not an up to date one, but a photo gives me an idea of who i am seeing and finding in the crowd.

  26. I would not date someone without a photo. Or even meet them. The reason why is because the eyes are the window to the soul. I can be attracted to a lot of different men, but I still want to see the eyes. Besides, in this day and age.. how hard is it to get someone to take a pic of you. You can even get a disposable camera and put the pics on a cd.

  27. meant is spelled like that....grammar like that just to help you out to impress the girls....forgive like that

    nobody need pics...Im married..

  28. I would never, ever in a million years, date a man who says the words, "to boot." It makes you sound ninety five years old, so there is no way in all of the universe you would be a good kisser.

  29. i wouldnt - i have a boyfriend

    but your my friends type of guy, so i think she would :)

  30. Doesnt sound like my type. I enjoy aggressive, intelligent men.

    Edit: why all the thumbs-down? I never said there was anything wrong with him, just that he wasn't my type.

  31. not rle b/c 1st of all, i don't no u!

    2nd of all, i already have a bf!  :]

    ... so i'm already happy with him!  :]

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