
Would you date someone that doesn't have a college education?

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Just wondering. Thanks!!




  1. Sure.  But they'd have to have intellectual curiosity, and that usually means they've gone to college.

  2. Yes.

    Having a college education might make you more knowledgeable in some areas, but it doesn't make you a better person.  I think that deciding not to date someone because of a lack of education is equivalent to refusing to date someone because they're of a different race.

    p.s. I have a bachelor of science degree (which I got in three years, not four).

  3. Well the question should be if you don't have a college degree should you date someone who does. I know many people who do not have a degree and are more successfull than those who do.

  4. Yes, why not

  5. It depends. If they've succeeded in other areas of their life, then maybe. Or if their family didn't have enough money. But I can see why someone wouldn't. Going to college is making a commitment to education, and someone like that is admirable.

  6. A college education is not an accurate measure of one's intelligence.  There are some people who go straight into the work force for whatever reason they have, but it doesn't make them less intelligent than someone with a college degree.  Also, just because someone has a degree it doesn't mean they are particularly intelligent.  I've met some people at university who aren't exactly bright.  Some of them have barely managed to eke by just enough to earn their degree.

    Therefore, why does a slip of paper make a difference in who you date?  I agree with the person who said that this sort of prejudice is akin to racism.  If you honestly love someone, you won't let trivial matters get in the way.  

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