
Would you decriminalize the use of marijuana and why?

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Would you decriminalize the use of marijuana and why?




  1. yes. they need to tax money they could get from it. it's less destructive than alcohol, or on par with it.

    they can make different grades, or charge more for the good stuff. the cigarette companies already have the machinery in place.

  2. marijuana is not the problem it's the bussiness that greedy people make out of it.putting taxes on it only puts this bussiness in greedier hands

  3. Yes. Small amounts would be overlooked. Alcohol is worse than pot and you can go in a store and buy that and drive away with it. But if you were traffiking pounds.....that should be punishable.

  4. yup, for medical purposes only though

  5. I would decriminalize all drugs, making them available by prescription for hard drugs,and MJ over the counter if you are over 21. this would probably reduce the prison pop by about 1/3. i would then execute all the violent criminals (rapists, murderers, armed robbers etc.) this would take care of about another 1/3 I would then shut down 2/3 of the prisons and with the money saved , invest in education and pure scientific research.

  6. I would because even though it is as much of a problem as alcohol; it is flooding the jails instead of being treated as a social problem.

    I would prosecute the dealers unless they were licensed and held accountable for their actions and any on premise violations.

    After Prohibition, liquor and beer dispensaries were licensed for the first time and the owners held accountable for the actions of their on premise patrons.

    This was first proposed in the charter of the National Model License League in 1909 in Louisville, KY and had a worldwide membership of 35,000 members.

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