
Would you define a 'strategy' for your life, the way you do a business?

by Guest31830  |  earlier

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I'm of the opinion, perhaps controversial, that couples / families should outline what they're going to do with their lives, in the same way you would plan for a new or established business; many people think family and business shouldn't be treated the same - your thoughts?




  1. having a plan is always good but people who plan all their steps usually stumble when  something unexpected comes up and fortunately you unexpected things are the only things that happen in life so I think the strategy for life is to be prepared for everything...

    life's not a business its a lot more, you can't simplify life that way...

  2. I think this sounds like a great idea.  It would be a really positive thing to decide, as a family, where you would like to be in one year, five years, ten years, etc.  Although, I think it would be best to allow for some flexibility so that unexpected opportunities aren't passed up or overlooked.  I might start drawing something up this afternoon!

  3. If you want to make GOD laugh tell him your plans!

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