
Would you delete your answer because of thumbs downs?

by  |  earlier

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I answered a question a couple of minutes ago and I went back to it and I the first answer deleted their answer.. Would do, do you do this?


Now that you can give a thumbs downs do you still report abuse?




  1. honestly when I get idiotic or abusive answers I don't even bother they may have 2pts of mine but I'll be damned if I allow the question to get voted by itself just for some negative nasty poster to get 10 pts...

    I delete and nip it in the bud...thumbs up or down.

  2. Of course I report abuse. Giving thumbs downs doesn't make them get kicked off this site (or loose points) for being vulgar, sexual, harassing others, etc.

    The first answerer was possibly reported. She/He may have not done it him/herself.

  3. Nope, I wouldn't.

  4. it depends on how bad my answer was and i dont report abuse unless its agianst the law about what their doing

  5. NOPE!, i once got 9 thumbs down, for a question asking, what book are you reading, and i answered EW i hate reading, and i actually got chosen best answers!

  6. no if u delete u will loose 2 points so i never delete

  7. I wouldn't delete an answer just because someone else didn't agree with it. People are entitled to their own opinions, and giving a thumbs down doesn't mean the person is being abusive, so if something is truly offensive and against guidelines then of course you can still report it. I see the thumbs up and down is just a way of agreeing or disagreeing with someone when you don't want ot put your two pence in x

  8. No I wouldn't delete my answer I stand by what I write, I don't bother rating answers,  no points there,  unless it really knocks my socks off, but if the answerer is really obnoxious I report them for the bug that they are

  9. nope.

  10. No. I don't care if anyone does not agree with my answer and give me a thumbs down.

  11. It depends on my answer if I would do it or not. It it's really that bad/inappropriate of an answer then sure I would delete it.

    I have to admit, I have never reported anyone. And I've only givin thumbs down to Trolls.

  12. no because then i would lose two

    i don't report  

  13. i don't delete my answer.. it my opion and if people don't like it them good for them.. and i don't report people..

    i think that bullshi.t

  14. no :)

    heres a star*

  15. Depends...sometimes I realize it was a stupid answer... then I will delete it. But if it's something I truly believe i will leave it.

  16. Nahh, shouldn't be too taken back by silly thumbs down!

  17. I would never let anyone make me feel bad about the way I honestly answered a question.  People give thumbs down for no reason at all.

    Even Best Answers get a thumbs down.

    I know not to take anything personal on this website.

    As for reporting abuse, how can you report someone if you have no idea who gave you the thumbs down, it's not necessarily the asker.

    That one who deleted their answer was probably reported and removed and didn't remove it themselves.

  18. No I wouldn't delete my answer.

    i know those thumbs down are not for the answer's qualities as they should be but just because of the kids around...

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